Dog gets run over by car and has to be put down by vet? Caught by dog catcher? Or, the player takes lousy care of the dog and gets taken away by the ASPCA?
Oh Sweet! Finally, people like me can walk a dog but not have to worry about allergies, exercise, or poo! I so wish they had one of these in the states.
wtf? is this a game?
jap – i saw it some years ago in the tokyo sega centre.
so… sega isn’t a big player anymore?
the best part of this post is the ‘scuse, preese’ in the title. it still cracks me up. that’s right, hoedads & grimmies; i laugh at my own jokes.
tee hee hee. see?
So like…how do you die?
Dog gets run over by car and has to be put down by vet? Caught by dog catcher? Or, the player takes lousy care of the dog and gets taken away by the ASPCA?
Oh Sweet! Finally, people like me can walk a dog but not have to worry about allergies, exercise, or poo! I so wish they had one of these in the states.
i think the idea is to protect it from being eaten/butchered by the local food market
Am I the only one who thinks that this game would suck terribly?
I wanna see how you go about losing this game.
No. No you are not.