Can I lease her when he’s done? She’s not much of a looker but any chick that’ll walk around on a leash would certainly make daddy a sammich after sex.
That stupid fuck wouldn’t know what to do with a vagina even if all the therapy his parents paid for to cure his homo actually worked.
And she’d probably look a lot better if he hadn’t used all her makeup.
They live on benefits and want to start a family………common fucking sense people, common sense. If YOU (not the government) can’t feed them, don’t breed them.
Goths are not freaks. We’re different. Just because something is different doesn’t make it freakish because you have to consider what one person considers normal while another doesn’t, but it doesn’t matter does it? It should. Because I could very easily call any “normal” person a freak. Regardless, it’s screwed up that they can’t ride the bus when what they’re doing isn’t hurting anyone. There are worse things than having a leash on your girl.
“Goths are not freaks.” Yes, they are.
“We’re different.” That’s an understatement.
“Because I could very easily call any “normal†person a freak. ” No. Normal is the opposite of freak, by definition.
“Regardless, it’s screwed up that they can’t ride the bus when what they’re doing isn’t hurting anyone” It’s a safety hazard. If there was an incident and the dumb chick did get hurt, I bet she be glad to sue the bus company for that, too. They’re poor losers on welfare who are looking to make a quick buck (or pound).
“There are worse things than having a leash on your girl.” True, but most of those things will get you kicked off the bus, too.
Look, kid, its wrong to make fun of someone for their gender/skin-color/etc because they didn’t choose those things. But goths choose to be freaks, therefore it is ok to make fun of them. Deal with it.
They pulled this shit in Yorkshire. Generally speaking Yorkshire folk are uncomplicated, salt-of-the-earth people. Dressing like this in Yorkshire is like driving round the bible belt in a pink cadillac with “I want Jesus to fuck my ass” written on the side.
They’re obviously just attention whores and whining about being oppressed by ‘fascist pigs’ is just a way to get even more attention.
I hope they both die in a house fire.
ahahahahaha. ++ funny for the fact that they were probably talking in Yorkshire accents. Now I’m going to picture every goth as the colourful folk in James Hariot novels.
Every culture has its idea of what is “normal”, reboot, therefore normality is a perspective of a person that is developed based on the culture they are part of and this even includes the ideas of what is normal within sub-cultures or groups within a larger culture. This extends to actions, ways of speaking, appearances, and so forth and so on. In this respect, to a Goth what is normal is the culture they are part of and not that which people who are not part of the group or sub-culture deem as normal. After all, not every person in the world is going to share the same view of what is normal. [[Also, natedog is right. They weren’t kicked off the bus because of a safety hazard, which if they had I wouldn’t have even said anything about it. They were kicked off the bus because of the driver’s prejudice against them.]]
“No dogs allowed”
Link –
‘kin goths
Can I lease her when he’s done? She’s not much of a looker but any chick that’ll walk around on a leash would certainly make daddy a sammich after sex.
That is so awesome! I want one too!
It would be funnier if she were black
Suprise suprise, a Goth who feels “victimized”.
Bet she packs the strap-on at home.
Goths. Pretending that the ugly is intentional.
She’s got a face like a pig and he looks like he should be wearing a grubby mac and staring lovingly at trains.
@Kaze – I almost shat myself when I read the article. The whole situation leaks awesome at the seams.
That stupid fuck wouldn’t know what to do with a vagina even if all the therapy his parents paid for to cure his homo actually worked.
And she’d probably look a lot better if he hadn’t used all her makeup.
‘pretending that the ugly is intentional’ is pretty fucking funny.
and isn’t that the little curly haired girl from the old pepsi ads?
What a terrible waste of a perfectly good set of boobs.
agreed x10, clawoo
hmm i wonder what the lease IS on one of those
Looks like all you need is some crack, to me.
It says they live on ‘benefits’…is that the English equivalent to welfare?
Well, they’re obviously friends, so I’m guessing one of the ‘benefits’ is a leash.
Fucking freaks.
They live on benefits and want to start a family………common fucking sense people, common sense. If YOU (not the government) can’t feed them, don’t breed them.
*sniff* *sniff* Makes me miss my bitch… umm… I mean girlfriend.
Freak On a Leash
Nice. Not even going to wait a day after you see it to repost?
(Also, not a repost from MCS.)
like renting your wife?!?
i’d hit it.
“safety of the other passengers”…? That’s a pretty bs excuse…
Women on leashes? Novel idea.
@... clawoo
Agreed. She should kill herself and write ‘tits’ on the donor card. At least then it might not be a complete waste.
I’m having a Kids in the Hall flashback.
Now you’ve gone and made a funny
Goths are not freaks. We’re different. Just because something is different doesn’t make it freakish because you have to consider what one person considers normal while another doesn’t, but it doesn’t matter does it? It should. Because I could very easily call any “normal” person a freak. Regardless, it’s screwed up that they can’t ride the bus when what they’re doing isn’t hurting anyone. There are worse things than having a leash on your girl.
“Goths are not freaks.” Yes, they are.
“We’re different.” That’s an understatement.
“Because I could very easily call any “normal†person a freak. ” No. Normal is the opposite of freak, by definition.
“Regardless, it’s screwed up that they can’t ride the bus when what they’re doing isn’t hurting anyone” It’s a safety hazard. If there was an incident and the dumb chick did get hurt, I bet she be glad to sue the bus company for that, too. They’re poor losers on welfare who are looking to make a quick buck (or pound).
“There are worse things than having a leash on your girl.” True, but most of those things will get you kicked off the bus, too.
Look, kid, its wrong to make fun of someone for their gender/skin-color/etc because they didn’t choose those things. But goths choose to be freaks, therefore it is ok to make fun of them. Deal with it.
Ahehahehaeha! ;,D
they didnt get kicked off a bus because the leash was a hazard, reboot.
the bus driver was a dick, fo sho.
but goths are freaks. and most would take it as a compliment, no?
goths ftl
They pulled this shit in Yorkshire. Generally speaking Yorkshire folk are uncomplicated, salt-of-the-earth people. Dressing like this in Yorkshire is like driving round the bible belt in a pink cadillac with “I want Jesus to fuck my ass” written on the side.
They’re obviously just attention whores and whining about being oppressed by ‘fascist pigs’ is just a way to get even more attention.
I hope they both die in a house fire.
ahahahahaha. ++ funny for the fact that they were probably talking in Yorkshire accents. Now I’m going to picture every goth as the colourful folk in James Hariot novels.
Every culture has its idea of what is “normal”, reboot, therefore normality is a perspective of a person that is developed based on the culture they are part of and this even includes the ideas of what is normal within sub-cultures or groups within a larger culture. This extends to actions, ways of speaking, appearances, and so forth and so on. In this respect, to a Goth what is normal is the culture they are part of and not that which people who are not part of the group or sub-culture deem as normal. After all, not every person in the world is going to share the same view of what is normal. [[Also, natedog is right. They weren’t kicked off the bus because of a safety hazard, which if they had I wouldn’t have even said anything about it. They were kicked off the bus because of the driver’s prejudice against them.]]
Kickin’ threads though…