This would make a great movie/game/book.
where’s this from?
this is where the baby goes “WAH!”
followed immediately by blood and gore and a happy ending.
for the axe guy that is.
Throw the baby at it and run away.
Does that baby have a “live strong” bracelet on?
this reminds me of the Pianist, where a Jewish women accidentally suffocate her baby to keep the baby quiet when she were hiding from German police.
This would make a great movie/game/book.
where’s this from?
this is where the baby goes “WAH!”
followed immediately by blood and gore and a happy ending.
for the axe guy that is.
Throw the baby at it and run away.
Does that baby have a “live strong” bracelet on?
this reminds me of the Pianist, where a Jewish women accidentally suffocate her baby to keep the baby quiet when she were hiding from German police.