Most planes made in the rest of the world have The capability to land almost anywhere, because they don’t have nice runways all over the world like the US does.
Yeah, Excelsior, give a plane any stretch of road and chances are that they can land it (Yes, i’m a pilot…in training :P) the trick is making sure its clear, its wide enough (ie, no phone poles to rip wings off!!) and long enough :P.
Basically they aren’t ‘designed to land on roads’, no one really thinks about that, they are just designed to land on a stretch of flat area!! a landing strip is just a handy clear spot designated for planes, thats all 🙂
Yes it is a public road. Couldn’t tell you where. I know from experience that alot of places in Europe you could find an aircraft hanger back in the woods from a major highway. The area was guarded and secure. The local streets would be taxiways
This is most likely in Sweden, and the roads (not all) are constructed so that if the regular airfield should get fubar, the planes can land on them instead. These raods are set up with lights and all that shizzle. Poland also has this kind of back-up plan but I don’t think they use the Gripen.
Zephran (#244)
17 years ago
Every so many miles of the American highway system is straight road, designed for emergency landings almost anywhere in the country.
Shopped? Or Emergency Landing? Cause that looks awful much like a road to me 😛
Probably just showing off the capability to land almost anywhere.
Maybe someone stole it, but didn’t know how to fly it, so they tried to drive it home.
It could work.
This plan is GENIUS. Who’s with me!
Just a Sunday drive … no biggy.
Most planes made in the rest of the world have The capability to land almost anywhere, because they don’t have nice runways all over the world like the US does.
Good luck trying to land an F-22 there
Yeah, Excelsior, give a plane any stretch of road and chances are that they can land it (Yes, i’m a pilot…in training :P) the trick is making sure its clear, its wide enough (ie, no phone poles to rip wings off!!) and long enough :P.
Basically they aren’t ‘designed to land on roads’, no one really thinks about that, they are just designed to land on a stretch of flat area!! a landing strip is just a handy clear spot designated for planes, thats all 🙂
Yes it is a public road. Couldn’t tell you where. I know from experience that alot of places in Europe you could find an aircraft hanger back in the woods from a major highway. The area was guarded and secure. The local streets would be taxiways
This is most likely in Sweden, and the roads (not all) are constructed so that if the regular airfield should get fubar, the planes can land on them instead. These raods are set up with lights and all that shizzle. Poland also has this kind of back-up plan but I don’t think they use the Gripen.
Every so many miles of the American highway system is straight road, designed for emergency landings almost anywhere in the country.