Watch your tongue freebirth – we may be guardians but we’ll gladly discard you to give the genetic legacy of someone more worthy a chance to prove itself. Quiaff?
Have wanted me a Timber Wolf for the longest time. Heads off to see if Mercenaries will let me pilot one.
I got Mercenaries from MekTek some time ago, but it took some time (server downtimes, and shit).
And I was referring to a heavy mech Black Knight, not the expansion\game.
13 years ago
I’ve always hated madcats. I love marauders and behemoths though.
13 years ago
I hate Microsoft for buying FASA. No official Mechwarrior-game for PC released since then. Just a crappy xbox shoot em up siht years ago.
thanks to all the voluntary coders for the great MWLL Crysis mod!!!
Ghost Bears coming through punching people in dick
That’s a Timber Wolf Freebirth!
I’d expect that from Clan Scum!
Watch your tongue freebirth – we may be guardians but we’ll gladly discard you to give the genetic legacy of someone more worthy a chance to prove itself. Quiaff?
Have wanted me a Timber Wolf for the longest time. Heads off to see if Mercenaries will let me pilot one.
I still like Black Knight better.
I can’t legally download and install Black Knight.
Spent far too many hours play Ghost Bear Legacy back in the day.
I got Mercenaries from MekTek some time ago, but it took some time (server downtimes, and shit).
And I was referring to a heavy mech Black Knight, not the expansion\game.
I’ve always hated madcats. I love marauders and behemoths though.
I hate Microsoft for buying FASA. No official Mechwarrior-game for PC released since then. Just a crappy xbox shoot em up siht years ago.
thanks to all the voluntary coders for the great MWLL Crysis mod!!!