The latter: the front of the house is directly facing the nuke (the shadow is telling,) and the camera’s looking back at an angle towards the house, closer to the blast.
They had some idea how powerful these blasts were by the time this test –which was to see the effects of a nuke on various common man-made structures– was conducted, and reinforced the camera housing accordingly.
Im thinking would a nuclear blast destroy a brick house. Yeah it’ll tear the roof off and smash the windows, but would it total a brick house? Or just fry the occupants?
How’d the camera survive? I call fake
It hid inside a fridge, of course. Everyone knows that.
If the camera was at a right angle to the direction of the blast, the expanding blast radius could hit the house before the camera.
Also they could have housed the camera in something with more structural integrity than a house, such as a concrete bunker.
The latter: the front of the house is directly facing the nuke (the shadow is telling,) and the camera’s looking back at an angle towards the house, closer to the blast.
They had some idea how powerful these blasts were by the time this test –which was to see the effects of a nuke on various common man-made structures– was conducted, and reinforced the camera housing accordingly.
I’d like to see the effects on a good ole’ British made brick house.
Or maybe I wouldn’t.
Um….remember Blitzkrieg?
Blitzkreig is tanks / infantry / artillery.
Im thinking would a nuclear blast destroy a brick house. Yeah it’ll tear the roof off and smash the windows, but would it total a brick house? Or just fry the occupants?
Luftwaffe, whatever.
Same thing happens when I cum.
When you cum the area around you becomes uninhabitable for 20,000 years?
It’s a model or something like that.