That’s a Keltec SUB-2000, a self-loading carbine for pistol cartridges. Basically, a pistol with a longer barrel and a shoulder stock. It chambers 9mm and .40 caliber rounds.
In the grip, just like a handgun. The gun also folds in half and can take 30 round glock mags. I was thinking about getting one for the zombie apocalypse. They’re pretty cheap if you can find one.
That’s a Keltec SUB-2000, a self-loading carbine for pistol cartridges. Basically, a pistol with a longer barrel and a shoulder stock. It chambers 9mm and .40 caliber rounds.
but thanks!
If it fires pistol bullets, wouldn’t that make it a SMG?
I believe it is only semi-auto, therefore not an SMG. I’m pretty sure ya need at least a burst fire mode to classify it as that.
no, that makes it a “sub-rifle”
I have one of these, it is fun to shoot and easy to operate/maintain as well as being affordable. KelTec makes good stuff.
You know you’re a redneck when, you look at the gun.
Well the chick’s rather conveniently obscured by the gun and the goggles.
But you’re right, those are some daaaamn sexy elbows.
Everyone knows guns are more interesting than females.
true homos stick together 😀
You’re on your own with that one.
But where the hell does the magazine go?!
In the grip, just like a handgun. The gun also folds in half and can take 30 round glock mags. I was thinking about getting one for the zombie apocalypse. They’re pretty cheap if you can find one.
and heres a guy firing one while pepper sprayed
Might be nice to put in the 4WD for camping trips