Always a pleasure.
Eveytime I see one of the launches all I can think of is “GO mother”fraker”! GO!”
Shoving a damn BUILDING into orbit.
And they say science is lame. phhhtttttttt bbbbbbbbbttttttttt…
Look at how tall we are.
Every time I see or hear about one of these launching, I always have to ask: Did it explode on the way up?
Always a pleasure.
Eveytime I see one of the launches all I can think of is “GO mother”fraker”! GO!”
Shoving a damn BUILDING into orbit.
And they say science is lame. phhhtttttttt bbbbbbbbbttttttttt…
Look at how tall we are.
Every time I see or hear about one of these launching, I always have to ask: Did it explode on the way up?