Their own executives admitted that they don’t need Federal funding. They have a cult following that will always be willing to shell out money to them voluntarily. There is simply no need for them to take money from those of us that don’t consume their product.
“Their own executives admitted that they don’t need Federal funding. ”
Very good. This is the first thing you have said that’s based on a fact. But you’re still ignoring the point. I expect you to use this lower in the thread.
“They have a cult following that will always be willing to shell out money to them voluntarily. ”
Another arbitrary statement.
“There is simply no need for them to take money from those of us that don’t consume their product.”
Why are you using an example from Canada in a discussion of US issues? Just so you know, a teacher is lucky to break 40k in the US.
I’m sure you have a rational reason for believing what you’re saying. You not just going along with whatever right wing talking point you’ve been told to believe.
I still fail to understand why the NASCAR thing is a big deal?
The Armed Forces have enlistment advertisements everywhere. Why is one that is targeted at one of if not their biggest supporters(rednecks) such a big deal?
Also PBS will be perfectly fine without public support, hell they might be better off without it.
Also if there is one demographic of Americans that haven’t taken their fair brunt of the economic downturn/government cuts its the elderly so hopefully they will take their fair share soon too.
I am completely aware of why, in reality, it won’t happen. However I can still hold out hope that sanity reigns and fair and equitable decisions are made instead of choices solely for personal benefit.
*Gets off of idealism horse* Wait we are totally fucked.
If you listen and don’t contribute to PBS/NPR you’re a thief. Only 1 in 10 actually do pay. That’s a shame. Supposedly 170,000,000 listen/watch NPR and PBS. If only a third of those paid a fucking dollar we wouldn’t need to have this conversation.
My point is they don’t need my money. They will survive just fine without it. All of your blathering about other things the government spends money on ignores this distinction.
You are willfully ignoring what their own executives admitted. They don’t need Federal funding. It doesn’t matter what kind of pretzel logic you throw at this issue, they will be defunded. People like you will still be free to voluntarily throw money at them all you want without forcing me to.
You have an ID Ten T problem there.
PBS and NPR are media. It seems there are a lot of media out there surviving very well on their own without stealing from me. Except for Airhead America. Funny how that worked out. I’m betting you were a fan.
Don’t be so pretentious if you’re going to resort to a an ad hominem when challenged.
You should take your own advise. Your rebuttal was so non sequitur it’s beyond irrelevancy. Of course private schools don’t take public money. That’s not the point.
That is Exactly the point.
PBS/NPR take our tax dollars, what you euphemistically call public money. Hundreds of television and radio networks thrive without tax payer money. Their own executives admitted that they don’t need Federal funding. They have a cult following that will always be willing to shell out money to them voluntarily. There is simply no need for them to take money from those of us that don’t consume their product.
Private schools exist without the need to take public money. Would you say we don’t need to fund public schools on the same rationale?
There are many government programs that produce something you don’t consume directly, but you receive benefits indirectly. You don’t purchase flak jackets and patriot missiles. You don’t consume those things, so should you have to pay for them?
You over simplifying the argument over partisan bullshit.
Broadcasting TV shows and radio programs are no where near the other things you have cited. They simply are not vital. They are frivolous and a luxury we can no longer afford. Your “arguments” are moot. They will be defunded. They will survive or they won’t. I for one will not miss either of them if they don’t.
Public Schools have been declining for decades. Every year we pour more money into them and they continue to worsen. Privatization of schools is a topic for another thread.
Your first argument was public broadcasting would survive without “stealing your money”.
I then pointed out all the things that probably wouldn’t exist without public funding. It’s a direct rebuttal to your point. For instance, the military and national defense probably would work in a for-profit system.
Now you’ve switched gears into an argument over opinion. That was a nice little strawman argument, but you were unable to defend your own statement.
I would like to thank you. You did reach for some personal attacks, but you did make an earnest attempt at having a real discussion. You even based one of your statement on an actual fact, which is highly commendable. That’s more than I can say for others I have spoken to. I look forward to talking with you more on the forum.
Isn’t government funding only about 10% of PBS’s budget? They will survive.
How do you make decisions with such arbitrary thinking?
It’s not arbitrary at all.
They can survive just fine without our tax dollars.
Frontline is the greatest show on television.
If you like it, then you pay for it. Why make the rest of us? It works for 200+ other channels.
Because it eventually turns into The Learning Channel.
Their own executives admitted that they don’t need Federal funding. They have a cult following that will always be willing to shell out money to them voluntarily. There is simply no need for them to take money from those of us that don’t consume their product.
“Their own executives admitted that they don’t need Federal funding. ”
Very good. This is the first thing you have said that’s based on a fact. But you’re still ignoring the point. I expect you to use this lower in the thread.
“They have a cult following that will always be willing to shell out money to them voluntarily. ”
Another arbitrary statement.
“There is simply no need for them to take money from those of us that don’t consume their product.”
Do you consume M60’s?
PBS is better than 90% of what’s on TV.
Save Nascar, defund PBS.
Save big business, kill teacher unions.
Next they’re going after AARP. Guess they got bold after attacking easy prey. That’s going to be hilarious.
Ya its a big bad boogieman who is out to…take back money that isn’t yours.
PBS is a joke and teachers shouldn’t be allowed to have unions. I talked to one on the weekend who makes 90K a year teaching French to 10 year olds.
The leftist Nazis are scared because their run is done. Its a good thing.
Why are you using an example from Canada in a discussion of US issues? Just so you know, a teacher is lucky to break 40k in the US.
I’m sure you have a rational reason for believing what you’re saying. You not just going along with whatever right wing talking point you’ve been told to believe.
Haha, who am I kidding?
I still fail to understand why the NASCAR thing is a big deal?
The Armed Forces have enlistment advertisements everywhere. Why is one that is targeted at one of if not their biggest supporters(rednecks) such a big deal?
Also PBS will be perfectly fine without public support, hell they might be better off without it.
Also if there is one demographic of Americans that haven’t taken their fair brunt of the economic downturn/government cuts its the elderly so hopefully they will take their fair share soon too.
No sane politician is going to take funding away from the elderly, because old people actually vote.
fuck old people
I am completely aware of why, in reality, it won’t happen. However I can still hold out hope that sanity reigns and fair and equitable decisions are made instead of choices solely for personal benefit.
*Gets off of idealism horse* Wait we are totally fucked.
If you listen and don’t contribute to PBS/NPR you’re a thief. Only 1 in 10 actually do pay. That’s a shame. Supposedly 170,000,000 listen/watch NPR and PBS. If only a third of those paid a fucking dollar we wouldn’t need to have this conversation.
Pay what you owe, nyugah.
We ALL pay, whether we want to or not.
Such is the case with all things in the government spends money on. Whats your point?
My point is they don’t need my money. They will survive just fine without it. All of your blathering about other things the government spends money on ignores this distinction.
Great claims require great proof.
Now prove your claim that they will survive without it.
Try to be rational about it. Base you arguments on facts and reason, not arbitrary statements.
You are willfully ignoring what their own executives admitted. They don’t need Federal funding. It doesn’t matter what kind of pretzel logic you throw at this issue, they will be defunded. People like you will still be free to voluntarily throw money at them all you want without forcing me to.
“You are willfully ignoring what their own executives admitted. ”
You should read your responses before making attacks. You just made yourself look really silly.
Here’s a hint: Look higher at one of my earlier responses.
Their commercials suck.
Amused by the first one. 3 MILLION people IS less than 1% of America’s population, silly.
I still like PBS though.
The population of the US is 307 006 550.
307 006 550 * .01 = 3 070 065.5. So it’s off by 70,065 and half a person.
If PBS and NPR have such valuable products, they will survive without stealing my hard earned money.
If roads and bridges have such valuable products, they will survive without stealing my hard earned money.
If the military and national defense have such valuable products, they will survive without stealing my hard earned money.
If oil companies and mega corporations have such valuable products, they will survive without stealing my hard earned money.
If social security and medicare have such valuable products, they will survive without stealing my hard earned money.
If public schools and colleges have such valuable products, they will survive without stealing my hard earned money.
If human rights and the standard of living have such valuable products, they will survive without stealing my hard earned money.
Now go sit in the corner with the dunce hat on and think about what you said.
You have an ID Ten T problem there.
PBS and NPR are media. It seems there are a lot of media out there surviving very well on their own without stealing from me. Except for Airhead America. Funny how that worked out. I’m betting you were a fan.
It seems there are a lot of private schools out there surviving very well on their own without stealing from me.
Try to make an argument without making a stupid gross generalization. You seem to have an ID Ten T problem there.
Haha, I’m clever because I repeated a joke that’s been heard a million times.
Private schools don’t take our tax dollars. Try to have some rational argument. Oh that’s right. You’re an idiot. Never mind.
Don’t be so pretentious if you’re going to resort to a an ad hominem when challenged.
You should take your own advise. Your rebuttal was so non sequitur it’s beyond irrelevancy. Of course private schools don’t take public money. That’s not the point.
That is Exactly the point.
PBS/NPR take our tax dollars, what you euphemistically call public money. Hundreds of television and radio networks thrive without tax payer money. Their own executives admitted that they don’t need Federal funding. They have a cult following that will always be willing to shell out money to them voluntarily. There is simply no need for them to take money from those of us that don’t consume their product.
Your trying hard so I’ll be nice to you.
Private schools exist without the need to take public money. Would you say we don’t need to fund public schools on the same rationale?
There are many government programs that produce something you don’t consume directly, but you receive benefits indirectly. You don’t purchase flak jackets and patriot missiles. You don’t consume those things, so should you have to pay for them?
You over simplifying the argument over partisan bullshit.
Broadcasting TV shows and radio programs are no where near the other things you have cited. They simply are not vital. They are frivolous and a luxury we can no longer afford. Your “arguments” are moot. They will be defunded. They will survive or they won’t. I for one will not miss either of them if they don’t.
Public Schools have been declining for decades. Every year we pour more money into them and they continue to worsen. Privatization of schools is a topic for another thread.
See, now you’re just moving the goalposts.
Your first argument was public broadcasting would survive without “stealing your money”.
I then pointed out all the things that probably wouldn’t exist without public funding. It’s a direct rebuttal to your point. For instance, the military and national defense probably would work in a for-profit system.
Now you’ve switched gears into an argument over opinion. That was a nice little strawman argument, but you were unable to defend your own statement.
I would like to thank you. You did reach for some personal attacks, but you did make an earnest attempt at having a real discussion. You even based one of your statement on an actual fact, which is highly commendable. That’s more than I can say for others I have spoken to. I look forward to talking with you more on the forum.
They will be defunded and they will survive or not.
I for one will not miss either of them if they don’t.
Somebody should tell that guy that James O’keefe has less credibility than Weekly World News.
Everyone already knows that, but knowing means nothing to them.
Sad but very true.