My first impression was long the lines of, “So, there’s a language barrier? Not exceptional.” Looking over it, and thoroughly convinced that’s not any existing language other than glitched out English, I’m really freakin’ glad I didn’t have to deal with that issue.
Were you actually able to talk them through this, or just talk them through the comprehension of how fucked they were?
Possible buffer overflow. Check RAM for Mem I/O issues. User may have a virus that f’d with some of the hardware. It’s least likely, but possible due to the extent of the error. Fix MBR, R&R the RAM, or a rebuild may solve the problem.
My first impression was long the lines of, “So, there’s a language barrier? Not exceptional.” Looking over it, and thoroughly convinced that’s not any existing language other than glitched out English, I’m really freakin’ glad I didn’t have to deal with that issue.
Were you actually able to talk them through this, or just talk them through the comprehension of how fucked they were?
Dude, it’s simple: pravioqs spartqp aptamp buptikn pkwar cknbicurapikn coiman yoqr mksp recejt phat mkriably
I had to go with “B” it was the video card causing the problem, I had the MB swapped out and in a day they were back up and running
If it was the video card, why would you need to mess with the mobo?
Was it on-board video?
Possible buffer overflow. Check RAM for Mem I/O issues. User may have a virus that f’d with some of the hardware. It’s least likely, but possible due to the extent of the error. Fix MBR, R&R the RAM, or a rebuild may solve the problem.
My first bet is “Dwarvish” (or memory fail)
This is awesome.