I live deep in the jesusland in an island of blue.
Added on March 19th, 2011 by tamifwx06110 | Report Post
Tags:Humor, Politics, Religion, Wallpaper, WTF
Tags:Humor, Politics, Religion, Wallpaper, WTF
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Texas is getting full of muslims.
Add to that all the niggers and mecicunts already in texas and it just becomes one giant nightmare.
Well, to be fair, the rest of the country is scared of you guys for executing retards and innocent people.
Retards are only good for burning.
All the “innocent “people I know have been a bunch of good for nothing niggers.
Okay…I’m not sure if you’re spouting sarcasm or if you’re a /b/tard.
Google Cameron Todd Willingham.
You’re governor is a murderer.
Your. Not you are. WTF.
Shift the apostrophe right by two letters, to indicate the possessive form: Youre’
What, do you think possessive form requires an s? Youre’s? Thatse’ not right.
I’m scared of all you fucking idiots.
In an island of blue? I’m guessing Atheist Tiki lives in Orange County?
I think he lives in Florida.
According to the whois of MCS.com, he lives in Tallahassee, Florida.
I live right on the border of Jesusland and sane people, if you can call any Marylander sane. Also the interior of Pennsylvania should be red.
This is why the world hates America.
Palin, beck, Fox news, etc……
That and the flirtatious use of the word Ni***s…..
No it isn’t.
The world hated America for a long time before the coastal regions decided the rise of Christianity was a threat to its…I dunno…j bag controlled government spending?
If anything the strong spirituality makes you guys look a lot better. Its the elitist bullshit that reeks and that all comes from NYC and California. The mid west may be ignorant but I prefer ignorance to subtle recognition to offset what are otherwise completely self contained communities. Everyone in LA thinks thats the whole world and its the same in NYC. The only reason they mention anywhere else is to try and one-up someone else and sound smarter than they are.
…and everyone in the Midwest thinks that they’re the real> America and the coasts are full of elite intellectuals trying to destroy America. It keeps swinging back and forth; of course, neither is true.
There needs to be a ‘purple’ field or else divide it by county or city. Minnesota is red except for Duluth and the Twin Cities.
No, cause then you’d have to divide the Twin Cities up pretty choppy too.
Too diverse here, ya know.
It wouldn’t be so bad if they followed Jesus, but the fools follow the Christian Church instead.
Jesus invented “turn the other cheek” – the Christian church invented “burn them at the stake”
This person is from Illinois, a state that is bankrupt due to their utopian liberal
bullshit thinking. Also add most of the other blue states in the same bag. Go get
a damn job, your folks want their basement back.