My mom would always buy one from my brother. It was decent popcorn, but yeah, I can’t imagine anyone buying it as enthusiastically as people buy those dericious cookies.
When I was in Boy Scouts, we cut down and then sold Christmas trees. Made more sense than most fundraisers since it involved the camping in the forest and identifying trees and stuff.
Damn straight I am… take that and that you cookie hustling little hussies!
luminousweb (#171530)
14 years ago
Keebler makes some pretty damn good knock-offs of Thin Mints and Samoas, but I’ve been wanting to try my hand at making my own for ages, and found a site with a bunch of recipes to do just that.
Since when have Girl Scout Cookies taught “money management skills to the next generation of women?” Every cookie hustler I’ve ever seen is the *parent* of the child in question. The parents are either pressured into selling them to help their daughter excel or whipped into it by their own lazy children. I work in an office and I’m guilted into buying crap like this every year. If it’s not cookies it’s wrapping paper, or popcorn, or cookie dough. Seriously? Cookie dough? I gotta pay a mint *and* make them myself?
Let me tell you, those pre-formed cookie dough nuggets are AWESOME when you freeze them. Though I stopped buying the David’s ones years ago; I just make my own cookie dough, form it into little balls on a baking sheet, freeze thusly, then transfer to a ziploc bag. 😀
I make Samoas my bitch
Oh boo-fucking-hoo. Selling cookies is hard. When I was a Boy Scout our fucking fundraiser was popcorn. Nobody bought that shit.
My mom would always buy one from my brother. It was decent popcorn, but yeah, I can’t imagine anyone buying it as enthusiastically as people buy those dericious cookies.
I had to sell frozen steaks door-to-door for our baseball team. That was difficult.
When I was in Boy Scouts, we cut down and then sold Christmas trees. Made more sense than most fundraisers since it involved the camping in the forest and identifying trees and stuff.
What seriously? Quick, to the Walmart! We have to buy imitation girl scout cookies!
When I die, my only demand is that my coffin is filled around me with boxes of Thin Mints and Samoas.
Dear god, I am a fatty. :C
In lieu of flowers, the family requests that you send bouquets of cookies to the funeral home. 😀
Thin mints and Samoas are the best Girl Scout cookies evar.
Damn straight I am… take that and that you cookie hustling little hussies!
Keebler makes some pretty damn good knock-offs of Thin Mints and Samoas, but I’ve been wanting to try my hand at making my own for ages, and found a site with a bunch of recipes to do just that.
sucks they don’t make the lemon coolers any more. I loved those.
Since when have Girl Scout Cookies taught “money management skills to the next generation of women?” Every cookie hustler I’ve ever seen is the *parent* of the child in question. The parents are either pressured into selling them to help their daughter excel or whipped into it by their own lazy children. I work in an office and I’m guilted into buying crap like this every year. If it’s not cookies it’s wrapping paper, or popcorn, or cookie dough. Seriously? Cookie dough? I gotta pay a mint *and* make them myself?
Let me tell you, those pre-formed cookie dough nuggets are AWESOME when you freeze them. Though I stopped buying the David’s ones years ago; I just make my own cookie dough, form it into little balls on a baking sheet, freeze thusly, then transfer to a ziploc bag. 😀
wallmart needs to make some knock off samoas
Walmart may not carry them or make them, but Keebler makes a really good Samoa knock-off.
Walmart has them and they’re pretty good, generally about $2.