The film contains a scene where a jumbo jet crashes into an office block – as with the book cover this is reminiscent of the 2001 terrorist attacks and as such means the film, a mainstay of late-night television schedules over the years, is unlikely to be broadcast on television in the United States of America for some time to come, due to continued sensitivity over the subject matter.
so who believes that nostradamus knew shit was gonna happen, or was he just crazy?
I have a better question to americans: do you guys thing that it’s a good idea to censor a movie just because it has something to do with planes? Not just that it crashes into building, but like the plane got hijacked or just goes down.
I think we’ve been over it for some time. I mean, the movies “Flight 93” and “World Trade Center” came out without much problem.
i think that was because they were based on the event that happened so people liked them because it helped them understand what happened to the victims but i do not believe in censorship myself and i think its dumb that they wont play a movie that was made a long time ago just because its close to what happend
Old americans get all butt hurt over 9/11 cause they think “omg how could this happen,who would do this”.this is because they are all for the most part stupid fucking hippies who grew up on disney and played cowboys and indians with no real knowledge of how the world works.
Now WW2 americans and young americans aren’t fucking morons and understand that this shit is the consequence of years and years of bad foreign policy and sticking our hands in everyones cookie jar, whether or not it was wrong we know it is in some small way our fault.we know this cause we live in the real world were raised on violent ass cartoons like heman and gijoe,play video games that are violent as fuck and that sometimes have deep political plots liek splintercell/assassinscreed/metalgear yada yada.And of course WW2 americans underrstand 9/11 cause they fought over seas and shit and knew the drama was bound to follow them home.
People who are *gasp 9/11* are the same people who think abortion/gayright/blowjobinthewhitehouse is a viable political platform and is something that is actually relevant to the way a country runs.
In otherwords everyone over 40 grow the fuck up.
/salute Gaexion.
Twas all a conspiraciez by the FBI nd PNAC to invade ur iraqz
Deciding not to air a show != Censorship.
Gaexion: Win. 1,000,000 Internets.
First of all, please correct your grammar and spelling mistakes.
Secondly, during WWII, America was an isolationist country. Unfortulantely, the axis of evil attacked us (Pearl Habor) and we ended up breaking out of our isolationist shell.
The whole idea behind Neo-Conservatism is not so much to invade the world, as it is to quell any anti-democratic ideals that would propagate and ultimately destroy America. A lot Neo-Conservatives have grown up in the heydays of the Cold War, and see the importance in eradicating a disease before it becomes a pandemic. Basically, they want to prevent anything like Communism or Fascism from overruling this world, and they will do whatever it takes to ensure that America will continually exist.
It is foolish to revert back to isolationism like Ron Paul espouses. If America won’t be the leader of the world, then who will? Would you want Iran, Russia, or China to be the leader? How will you feel if they begin to pressure America to convert to their culture and governmental ideals? It is impossible for this world to be leaderless, throughout the history of mankind, we have always had at least some sort of an empire that was the leader of the world at that time. May it be the Mongolian Empire, the Roman Empire, or Great Britain, there will always be a leader or several great powers aspiring to become one. So then, who would you want to be leader of this world? America or [Iran, Russian, or China]? The answer is quite obvious.
So then I ask you, who’s your bitch now?
Right, the US is leader of the world.
That’s why when we said “Invade Iraq” everyone went along with that plan. And international respect for the USA has just continued to grow ever since.
And look how democracy as blossomed across the Middle East! Iran and Al-Qaeda are less influential than ever before! Thank you, neo-cons!
diabeetus, you’re argument sounded alright BUT get a few facts straight. “Isolationist” and “Non-Interventionist” are two totally different things.
And WTF makes you think it’s about “Democracy?” Because they tell you “We want to bring democracy to the people.” COME ON! All this shit about planting the “seed of democracy in Iraq and watching it grow” is utter bullSHIT. Look at Saudi Arabia (one of our biggest allies), with a royal family of over 3,000. You think they/we want democracy in the middle East. Fuck no, it’s a farce.
Gaexion, props.