It is a really good story. I read it before on the website, and at first had the same reaction. It looked really long, so I didn’t want to read it, but when I did it was totally worth it.
I’ve honestly stopped reading Subnormality as a webcomic and started reading it as a blog. When you’re EXPECTING 15 real-time minutes of dialog between the characters, it’s a lot better read than ADD 4chan assholes yelling “tl;dr” like it makes them cool.
That being said, I’d totally read any book the author put out, and I TOTALLY want to see a movie version of this guy’s story.
I’ll pass and go read War and Peace.
holy tl;dr, batman.
Not that I don’t like the story told here, but I think this guy missed a little boat named the U.S.S. Show-Don’t-Tell.
But yes, nail on the head.
Like everyone below says, “good story” but jesus, blocks of text aren’t what we have graphic art for.
His comics are pretty good though long-winded.
It’s not a bad read; but, when the text is this long, why bother with the pictures?
Well, I read the beginning and the end and I can tell you there’s nothing he could put in that wall of text to make it worth reading.
It is a really good story. I read it before on the website, and at first had the same reaction. It looked really long, so I didn’t want to read it, but when I did it was totally worth it.
I actually read it too and thought it was a good story.
I’ve honestly stopped reading Subnormality as a webcomic and started reading it as a blog. When you’re EXPECTING 15 real-time minutes of dialog between the characters, it’s a lot better read than ADD 4chan assholes yelling “tl;dr” like it makes them cool.
That being said, I’d totally read any book the author put out, and I TOTALLY want to see a movie version of this guy’s story.
I read it but it was hard as fuck, that font was not meant to be cramped together and read.
what the guy *should* do is maybe…draw all that shit the guy talked about…then he’d have a 20-page comic-book…especially with such nice art skills
Maybe the author should’ve titled it “I Have A Great Story To Tell But I’m Afraid My Drawing Skills Aren’t Up To It So Here’s A Wall Of Prose”.