It’s one thing to occasionally post stuff from another site, but feeding half its content to another site and not ever mentioning the source is just… rude. Don’t be a dick.
Back in the day people used to give credit around here, and I remember finding some other nice websites because of that. So, besides feeding the owner’s ego, it’s also helpful for the visitors, since they seem to enjoy that particular content.
I wanted to do this in private, but your GTalk ID doesn’t seem to work.
Thanks for your kind attention.
man I loved that movie…
Dariah at 0:55
Batman needs TP for his bunghole… kinda
Scrolled down on a link for new family guy and someone posted all of the beavis and butthead avis – pow pow – good shit 🙂
Two of my favorite things in one picture.
Had it been Batman from TAS, I would’ve jizzed on my keyboard.
Oh god, my childhood is so happy right now.
Of course you can post my whole website here without ever giving any credit!
welcome to the internets. post link or STFU
Not your entire site. Just the good bits and thanks for giving me the okay too.
It’s one thing to occasionally post stuff from another site, but feeding half its content to another site and not ever mentioning the source is just… rude. Don’t be a dick.
Back in the day people used to give credit around here, and I remember finding some other nice websites because of that. So, besides feeding the owner’s ego, it’s also helpful for the visitors, since they seem to enjoy that particular content.
I wanted to do this in private, but your GTalk ID doesn’t seem to work.
Thanks for your kind attention.
Romanian site is Romanian.