why doesn’t anyone submit nsfw content anymore.
why am I so drunk./
I can’t feetl my feet. where are they.
why doesn’t anyone submit nsfw content anymore.
why am I so drunk./
I can’t feetl my feet. where are they.
I’ve been submitting NSFW for sometime. WTF!
you and demon, that’s it. /sob
what, my candlewaxed cawk and wharrgarbling vag lips aren`t good enough for you?!?!?
I’ll submit if I am allowed to rate posts.
I submitted pictures and they didn’t show up in the waiting for approval section, so I resubmitted.
When they still didn’t show up, I thought that you didn’t like them and had dropped them from the Que.
they might have been approved.
or they were too small.
fuck, I dunno man
dude, i’ve submitted a fuckload of naughty posts lately and none of them are even showing up on the ‘awaiting moderation’ part of my submissions. i figured the site was just being funky again
Since Februar my NSFW-Posts appear under anonymous.