ok, we’re 24 hours into the new NSFW content system. would you rather have it on the sidebar on the site or as an in line ‘click here to view pronz” link on the main site’s posts, and it’ll show up in the SFW rss feed??
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ok, we’re 24 hours into the new NSFW content system. would you rather have it on the sidebar on the site or as an in line ‘click here to view pronz” link on the main site’s posts, and it’ll show up in the SFW rss feed??
Inline is the way it was? If so, yeah that.
Put it wherever you want, Tiki. Just as long as I can still see that great soft core lesbo shit that Demon posts. And hot chicks.
View prawns? Why the fuck would I want to see pics of prawns?
Lobsters, maybe –
fookin prawns
Inline, please. And seconded on the lesbo.
either way would be fine with me as long as i’m not getting “Internal Server Error”s and “503 Service Temporarily Unavailable” pages… you’ve gone back to being the web site which i can be most-likely-to-find-down again… 😐
Inline, without a doubt.