I was going to juxapose it with an image of a fat american kid (and yeah, I am an ‘murican, so I can do that) but it’s plenty lulz-worthy as a stand-alone
Actually its really only the midwest that has all the fatties. West coast is pretty fit and east coast is just normal. But the midwest is populated by land-whales.
I would have killed if when I was that age I had wooden guns like that.
sleepyjoe256 (#4500)
14 years ago
This is kinda scary. You can see that some of those kids think it’s just fun, but some of them look really pissed, and a little scary. I wouldn’t want an 8-year-old with a Kalashnikov anywhere near me, especially that little dude in the front. He looks PISSED.
they can’t be american, more than half of them are looking approximately in the same direction.
If it was american kids, they would all be looking in different directions.
love the mix and match headgear too.
and for sure, the lil’ mo-fo in the front row looks like a potential war criminal
I know this guy named Kassim, from Uganda. Dude got kidnapped by some crazy army dudes when he was younger than this. They made him a killer. Then they figured out he could box, and sent him to West Palm Beach.
He likes to drink his Heineken warm and he can roll a blunt with one hand. He also showed me that when you get pulled over, you can put the leeds under your fflip flop and they cops won’t find it
I was going to juxapose it with an image of a fat american kid (and yeah, I am an ‘murican, so I can do that) but it’s plenty lulz-worthy as a stand-alone
do it.
Actually its really only the midwest that has all the fatties. West coast is pretty fit and east coast is just normal. But the midwest is populated by land-whales.
I’ve been to both coasts, fatties are everywhere. Got a lot of fat celebs living on the west coast btw….
Their guns are made of wood. You’re argument is invalid.
Training future warriors.
Actually, indoctrinating future warriors is more like it.
I would have killed to have wooden guns like that when I was that age.
I would have killed if I had wooden guns like that when I was that age.
I would have killed if when I was that age I had wooden guns like that.
This is kinda scary. You can see that some of those kids think it’s just fun, but some of them look really pissed, and a little scary. I wouldn’t want an 8-year-old with a Kalashnikov anywhere near me, especially that little dude in the front. He looks PISSED.
Don’t worry, aids will take care of the problem.
they can’t be american, more than half of them are looking approximately in the same direction.
If it was american kids, they would all be looking in different directions.
love the mix and match headgear too.
and for sure, the lil’ mo-fo in the front row looks like a potential war criminal
That is disgusting. They let them play with wooden guns before they teach them how to shape a beret?
+1 Internet
There’s no resistance. Guns only make pedobear harder.
I know this guy named Kassim, from Uganda. Dude got kidnapped by some crazy army dudes when he was younger than this. They made him a killer. Then they figured out he could box, and sent him to West Palm Beach.
He likes to drink his Heineken warm and he can roll a blunt with one hand. He also showed me that when you get pulled over, you can put the leeds under your fflip flop and they cops won’t find it