That’s some goddamn good advertising.
Not sure I’d like pizza made with flies –
Your marketing idea is sound, your English…not so much.
Terrible restaurant name hurting your business? Only people who will eat there are idiot stoners? Cater to them!
Harvard Business School, right thurr
A truly healthy combination.
Not the best company name, but that is an fucking brilliant advertising move for a small pizza place.
There’s a head shop in Seattle that has rolling paper business cards. Makes a lot more sense than pizza.
Because nobody has ever ordered pizza while high.
Rolling their own cigs…yeah, that’s the ticket.
mm, i thought each individual sheet would be imprinted. that would be 2 cool. and probably even more awesome for your lungs.
Not sure I’d like pizza made with flies –
Your marketing idea is sound, your English…not so much.
Terrible restaurant name hurting your business? Only people who will eat there are idiot stoners? Cater to them!
Harvard Business School, right thurr
A truly healthy combination.
Not the best company name, but that is an fucking brilliant advertising move for a small pizza place.
There’s a head shop in Seattle that has rolling paper business cards. Makes a lot more sense than pizza.
Because nobody has ever ordered pizza while high.
Rolling their own cigs…yeah, that’s the ticket.
mm, i thought each individual sheet would be imprinted. that would be 2 cool. and probably even more awesome for your lungs.