This is my dog Lucky. For whatever reason, I call him Loofus. He is a purebred border collie and is ridiculous. He was hit and run over by an SUV before he was six months old and he only broke his shoulder, little bit of head trauma, lost a lot of blood, and scared the ever-living daylights outta me. He is my snugglebuddy. 🙂
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Some people might say this whole puppy pictures thing has gotten old, but it sure beats casemods’s shit.
Agreed! I love seeing people’s pets. It’s hard to dislike someone that clearly loves their adorable dog, cat iguana, whatever…
Loofus. Perfect. What a fine looking dog!
awesome color pattern
~a guy who knows a thing or 2 about awesome color patterns
did he eat your toe?
nope, my toe is still there. it’s a little camera shy though so it’s hiding.
Your dog has the same deviant look in it’s eye… kind of like it’s gonna start nipping you if you don’t give it attention
also damn you beat me to the toe question ^^
also do you cut it’s hair?
my own plus any other BC’s i’ve seen has longer hair
we don’t cut his hair at all. he has a lot of neck fluff but his collar kinda flattens it. :\ my friend dan has a BC and he’s basically the same minus the tri-color aspect.
you have some nasty ass feet.
and yeah these dog posts are getting ollllld fast.
Looks like the dog isn’t the only one with head trauma