Jack london square fountain

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I have one of these as my ok cupid pictures


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    but you posted 5 of the exact same picture. i can see no difference in any of them

    The Dude

    This kid must have no life and no friends. He obviously has NO CLUE.


    The first photo. It’s the best you ever posted. If I saw that one and didn’t know about your father and the towel rack, I’d think you’re a normal person.



    Look, I’m sure you may be a nice guy (underneath all that ego maybe? No? Buhler?)

    But you need to stop being such a retard. For fucks sake, go outside and throw a football or something. BUT, Don’t take pictures of yourself doing it and post them on here.



    He sort of reminds me of the uncle from Napoleon Dynamite who records himself throwing the football and gets off on watching it.


    The first.


    please stop posting this crap


    Or, rather, Tiki, please stop approving this crap…


    And here we see the American Douchebag in his natural habitat, notice the inane smile, the beady eyes and the small penis.
    This douchebag is trying to mate but is handicapped by the fact that his mating poses are copied from the Belk catalog circa 1982.
    With luck this douchebag will be unable to mate and thus the world will be spared his offspring.


    Darwin approves.


    Geez man, you smoke?

    thats disgusting


    haha 1up


    I lol’d.


    douchebags have herpes correct?


    Nice black, faggot.
    Stop posting your shit here. The only reason tiki approves your submissions is because it gets replies. Most of them are negative. Stop it stop it stop it stop it.


    who the fuck are you?


    Why, I’m gunface. Nice to meet you.


    yeah man…you must be a real dick to reply on cases posts

    Double 00 Exia

    says the guy who just replied on cases post..


    “I have one of these as my ok cupid pictures

    well I’m certainly not going to go to ok cupid and search m4m to find out.


    I’m embarrassed that you’re from my home town.

    The Dude

    Thats fucked up on so many levels. Where do I begin?


    Stop commenting on this jackass


    no u


    Who’s taking these pictures? Do you have a friend?


    Of all the dogs being posted recently, I like this one the least.


    the first one, of course.
    although the second one is not bad either. just please, for the love of god & all that jazz, do NOT post the last two.


    LOOK! 2 hideous urchins. Stick to posting as a shoe whore & mini hogs.


    he doesnt looks directly to the sun because he knows that if he does it its eyes will explode. good to know they gave a lotion in your clinic for your allergie… is this joke getting old?


    i know where this is

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Seeing you online is actually preferable to experiencing a crazy person in real life.

    Did you throw a coin in the fountain or some of your meds?

    The Dude

    Implying his black & mild is a blunt. Kids say the darndest things.


    I have one of these as my ok cupid pictures


    the one you didnt upload?
    the one with the dick in your mouth?


    And for more on jack londons toothless, whiskey fueld highjinks;


    The worst part about these pics is that someone was actually with him to take the pics.


    2 Broadway
    (at Jack London Sq)
    Oakland, CA 94607
    Neighborhood: Jack London Square
    everyone go scout around that area for the cock rocket


    i kinda feel sorry for you..looking for attention on the internet must be a bummer . well i bet at least your mom likes you a bit so chin up 🙂
    you remind me of that South Park character crying over not having friends on FB . Maybe you should order some carboard cutouts of yourself and they can be your friends !

    The Dude

    >Everyone I meet is fucking fake.

    Maybe your the fake person. You seem like a total poser.


    I bet it’s the one where you are holding the gay cigar.

    Wait, that’s not specific enough.

    Gay cigar and looking thoughtfully off into the future wondering what kind of person will think you really look hot smoking that fucking thing.

    Are those women’s capris?

    The Dude

    Only a real fag would know that his shorts are pre-rinsed…

    Curly Mcgee

    Boots and shorts?? Really? Next time I’m in the bay area, I’ll be looking for the cock rocket


    I didn’t know you live in the Bay Area. You wanna meet up somewhere so I can kick you in the face a bunch of times?

    Red Libanese

    Doucher gonna douche..
    and Haters gonna hate..




    You’re doing it wrong. You have to dress like a woman at least three months before the sex change.

    The Dude

    I bet you didnt think that reply through too much.


    Obvious troll is obvious. . . . . .


    aw ur cute :]

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