It’s called Zentai, a fetish involving being completely enclosed by your clothing. The suit is spandex and usually has a zipper up the back, you take it off to pee or eat. It has nothing to do with failure or lack of self esteem.
It’s actually fairly common in the fetish scene. There are lots of sites on the intarwebs that sell the suits in many colors and styles. Zentais often go to cosplay events as Spiderman or Batman.
this is a sign that youve failed at life.
I saw this guy before somewhere. Did he audition for Britain’s got talent or X Factor a while back? Also how does he eat and pee?
Morphsuits freak me out.
It’s called Zentai, a fetish involving being completely enclosed by your clothing. The suit is spandex and usually has a zipper up the back, you take it off to pee or eat. It has nothing to do with failure or lack of self esteem.
It’s actually fairly common in the fetish scene. There are lots of sites on the intarwebs that sell the suits in many colors and styles. Zentais often go to cosplay events as Spiderman or Batman.
I’d have to disagree with you on the “failure” part.
I’m not saying that a person who is or considers themselves a failure can’t wear Zentai, just that it’s not a prerequisite for the fetish.
Unless you consider fetish itself a sigh of failure, then I would have to say you’re woefully out of touch.
Seriously, what the fuck?
It’s a morphsuit, I have a few friends who go to night clubs and stuff wearing them, they get shitloads of attention.
Same thing –
Yeah but just because you wear one doesn’t mean it’s a fetish…
that’s the Black Panther.
Poor Charlie, I wonder why he’s so gloom.
Poor, Poor Keanu.
Skinny arms and legs.
Oh I’d approach him. Only because I like his shoes though.