the whole tea party thing is such a misnomer. The original tea party was protesting taxation without representation. This tea party has representation, they just lost an election. They are much closer to the whiskey rebellion, which was the result of of an excise whiskey tax, which was unpopular with western farmers in Pennsyvania. Basically they lost an election and didnt want to live with the results (what would you call that), and ended their dispute when George Washington marched on them with a large army.
Something tells me that if George were around today, the only thing he’d march on is Washington DC. He’d likely lead the slaughter of those lawmakers who are selling us down the river to China and other hostile states. He’d not bother with peaceful protesters, in spite of how much you fucking crybabies hate them.
geez hold back the messianic rage, nobody hates the tea party people yet, they just make fun of them. We will start hating them when they turn to violence to get their political agenda across. As for me I’m all for no taxes, because no taxes means no government and we all know thats the real enemy!! ANARCHY BABY YEAH!!
Ha, if you think that the conservatives of the Tea Party would stoop to violence to get their message across then I wouldn’t hold your breath; you’ve got the wrong wing there bud. Regardless of whether they have representation or not, their cause is just. The gov is overspending and not trying to fix the economy at all. Sure, an economy will fix itself if you leave it alone over a time span of many years, but damn NOT when you’re increasing the debt with more expensive, unnecessary legislation. Whomever douscher runs this site whom encourages bashing of the teapartiers needs to wake up and realize that it is in everyone’s best interest for us to try and place the defribulator paddles on this runaway gov and make them wake up and realize the road they’re taking us down here.
LOL, the only thing tiki is encouraging is for people to waste time at work. If you arent comfortable in an environment where people potentially disagree with what you think, then go find another website.
I’ve noticed a stance by Tiki against tea partiers, as if the sheeple need another source telling them how to think. I don’t care that people disagree, but let the people disagree, not the informative sources. I know, I know, people with opinions and brains like you and me will garnish our own opinions, but lets atleast agree that there are people out there waiting to be told what to think. Even though this is just another goofy blog site, it is an effective tool to push fencesitters to either side. Tiki, just post funny shit and leave out your opinion, we’ll make our own. How’s that for hair-splitting 🙂
ok. you’ve officially just gone and screwed yourself over. anyone who uses the word ‘sheeple’ is just proving their unwillingness to look at this conversation and say ‘huh, you may have a point, i never thought of it that way’. instead you’re playing the name game and promoting yourself to a godlier than you status. I’m seventeen and telling you to grow up.
AH, yes, the typical radical EITHER-wing tactic of trying to vilify the other wing… Right-wingers are just as likely to resort to violence as left-wingers. Put your bias away.
Yes. Yes. Teabag humor NEVER gets old. Um, how many different way can the same joke be told? Is this the best that tea-party opposition can come up with? Lame jokes about sucking testes? Hilarity ensues. Over and over and over. And over. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Well, considering that’s what “teabagging” meant LONG before this stupid racist batch of rich white crybabies started their movement, they brought it on themselves.
Yes, it’s clear some liberal FORCED that good conservative woman to make a vague reference to a well known sexual perversion just so they could make lame jokes about it.
Just like they force teabaggers to misspell their posters and use poor grammar. Those liberals are BASTARDS.
I am disturbed by the number of people in here that believe left-wing terrorism is more of a threat than right-wing terrorism.
Yes, both are bad, of course. Both types have killed people, destroyed property, etc., in the name of their respective causes.
But which type is currently a threat? Only right-wing extremism is a threat in 2010 (in the U.S., left-wing extremism is still a force in places like Greece).
Name one left-wing terrorist action taken in the last few years on American soil. Can you? I can immediately name some right-wing violence. There’s that guy who killed the abortion doctor in Kansas. There’s the Beltway sniper. There’s the threats made by KKK members against Obama. Going back a bit, we can include Oklahoma City and the bombing at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.
Going off of this article (, the only left-wing terrorist group still in operation today are Puerto Rican separatists. Meanwhile, “FBI officials say right-wing militants—including skinheads, neo-Nazis, militia members, and the so-called Christian Patriot movement—now pose America’s most serious domestic terrorist threat.”
Can any Tea Party sympathizer truthfully recognize that their side of the political spectrum is the more dangerous? As previously mentioned, even your fundamental party principles are corrupt. You aren’t anti-government. You’re simply anti-Obama, and you’re in bed with racists because of it.
Why aren’t there any left-wing radicals operating in force today, you wonder? It’s mostly because the CIA and the FBI spent decades hunting down potential Communists while letting right-wing crazies roam free. Hey, at least the right-wingers weren’t trying to overthrow the government, right? Yes, that’s what the left-wing radicals were trying to do, and yes, the government was right for stopping them. But in the process they allowed another real menace to develop unchecked.
The far left-wing has just as much excuse to be upset with Obama as the far-right does. If anything, they have more reasons. With Obama, the right knew what it was getting: a moderate at best, a Democrat, and someone who will probably be opposed to war and corporatist mentalities. Instead, the left got a Democratic president who proved to be in favor of the war, in bed with Wall Street, opposed to new taxes on the upper class, etc.
bzo311: Tiki didn’t post anything regarding either position on the Tea Party, he simply posted a picture of an old woman. It is your interpretation that led to this discussion. 99% of the material in this site is just harmless fun, yet you would believe that 1% is the main focus of Tiki’s content. He’s just trying to run a funny website and make a few bucks off of ads in the process.
I won’t even bother getting into the stupidity of polarizing America against itself.
Let’s just say you guys have people who disagree.
The point here is that woman hung teabags from a hat and she’s a voter.
People who hang teabags from hats should not be allowed out in public.
That goes for leftwing d-bags who wear skin tight jeans and wife beaters when they weigh about 80 pounds too. You fucking idiots deserve multiple deaths.
While right wing nuts may be more active left wing nuts are certainly more prevalent and also operate more secretly. Idolizing either like so many people who visit this site do (the left that is) makes you a fucking retard. Not the poster here I’m responding to but more than half the comments in here are complete bullshit.
A lot of you are just as stupid as the woman in the teabag hat.
the whole tea party thing is such a misnomer. The original tea party was protesting taxation without representation. This tea party has representation, they just lost an election. They are much closer to the whiskey rebellion, which was the result of of an excise whiskey tax, which was unpopular with western farmers in Pennsyvania. Basically they lost an election and didnt want to live with the results (what would you call that), and ended their dispute when George Washington marched on them with a large army.
Too bad George isn’t around anymore –
Something tells me that if George were around today, the only thing he’d march on is Washington DC. He’d likely lead the slaughter of those lawmakers who are selling us down the river to China and other hostile states. He’d not bother with peaceful protesters, in spite of how much you fucking crybabies hate them.
geez hold back the messianic rage, nobody hates the tea party people yet, they just make fun of them. We will start hating them when they turn to violence to get their political agenda across. As for me I’m all for no taxes, because no taxes means no government and we all know thats the real enemy!! ANARCHY BABY YEAH!!
Ha, if you think that the conservatives of the Tea Party would stoop to violence to get their message across then I wouldn’t hold your breath; you’ve got the wrong wing there bud. Regardless of whether they have representation or not, their cause is just. The gov is overspending and not trying to fix the economy at all. Sure, an economy will fix itself if you leave it alone over a time span of many years, but damn NOT when you’re increasing the debt with more expensive, unnecessary legislation. Whomever douscher runs this site whom encourages bashing of the teapartiers needs to wake up and realize that it is in everyone’s best interest for us to try and place the defribulator paddles on this runaway gov and make them wake up and realize the road they’re taking us down here.
LOL, the only thing tiki is encouraging is for people to waste time at work. If you arent comfortable in an environment where people potentially disagree with what you think, then go find another website.
I’ve noticed a stance by Tiki against tea partiers, as if the sheeple need another source telling them how to think. I don’t care that people disagree, but let the people disagree, not the informative sources. I know, I know, people with opinions and brains like you and me will garnish our own opinions, but lets atleast agree that there are people out there waiting to be told what to think. Even though this is just another goofy blog site, it is an effective tool to push fencesitters to either side. Tiki, just post funny shit and leave out your opinion, we’ll make our own. How’s that for hair-splitting 🙂
Submite stuff???
that might help balance the site out.
So submit some pro-Tea Party shit then. I don’t see what’s so difficult about this.
>.< ok
ok. you’ve officially just gone and screwed yourself over. anyone who uses the word ‘sheeple’ is just proving their unwillingness to look at this conversation and say ‘huh, you may have a point, i never thought of it that way’. instead you’re playing the name game and promoting yourself to a godlier than you status. I’m seventeen and telling you to grow up.
You’re also fat and ugly.
Sheeple is as valid a thing to say as FOX NEWS FOX NEWS and nobody ever calls out the screeching uninformed retards on that do they?
prepare to be beating up,
then give to casemods.
he is lonely and needs some loving.
Nah, give him to IFR. This bloke’s apparently just what the guy lusts after. IFR won’t have to spend his time masturbating anymore…
Americans who try and use British terms are the majestic sexless apex of Mount Douche.
AH, yes, the typical radical EITHER-wing tactic of trying to vilify the other wing… Right-wingers are just as likely to resort to violence as left-wingers. Put your bias away.
I think she misundersood when she heard someone talk about teabagging…
Maybe she’s just advertising for a play partner!
Yes. Yes. Teabag humor NEVER gets old. Um, how many different way can the same joke be told? Is this the best that tea-party opposition can come up with? Lame jokes about sucking testes? Hilarity ensues. Over and over and over. And over. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Well, considering that’s what “teabagging” meant LONG before this stupid racist batch of rich white crybabies started their movement, they brought it on themselves.
Yes, it’s clear some liberal FORCED that good conservative woman to make a vague reference to a well known sexual perversion just so they could make lame jokes about it.
Just like they force teabaggers to misspell their posters and use poor grammar. Those liberals are BASTARDS.
It’s true; we are.
It’s a waste of perfectly good tea…
This is the first time she’s been teabagged since the Eisenhower administration.
I am disturbed by the number of people in here that believe left-wing terrorism is more of a threat than right-wing terrorism.
Yes, both are bad, of course. Both types have killed people, destroyed property, etc., in the name of their respective causes.
But which type is currently a threat? Only right-wing extremism is a threat in 2010 (in the U.S., left-wing extremism is still a force in places like Greece).
Name one left-wing terrorist action taken in the last few years on American soil. Can you? I can immediately name some right-wing violence. There’s that guy who killed the abortion doctor in Kansas. There’s the Beltway sniper. There’s the threats made by KKK members against Obama. Going back a bit, we can include Oklahoma City and the bombing at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.
Going off of this article (, the only left-wing terrorist group still in operation today are Puerto Rican separatists. Meanwhile, “FBI officials say right-wing militants—including skinheads, neo-Nazis, militia members, and the so-called Christian Patriot movement—now pose America’s most serious domestic terrorist threat.”
Can any Tea Party sympathizer truthfully recognize that their side of the political spectrum is the more dangerous? As previously mentioned, even your fundamental party principles are corrupt. You aren’t anti-government. You’re simply anti-Obama, and you’re in bed with racists because of it.
Why aren’t there any left-wing radicals operating in force today, you wonder? It’s mostly because the CIA and the FBI spent decades hunting down potential Communists while letting right-wing crazies roam free. Hey, at least the right-wingers weren’t trying to overthrow the government, right? Yes, that’s what the left-wing radicals were trying to do, and yes, the government was right for stopping them. But in the process they allowed another real menace to develop unchecked.
The far left-wing has just as much excuse to be upset with Obama as the far-right does. If anything, they have more reasons. With Obama, the right knew what it was getting: a moderate at best, a Democrat, and someone who will probably be opposed to war and corporatist mentalities. Instead, the left got a Democratic president who proved to be in favor of the war, in bed with Wall Street, opposed to new taxes on the upper class, etc.
bzo311: Tiki didn’t post anything regarding either position on the Tea Party, he simply posted a picture of an old woman. It is your interpretation that led to this discussion. 99% of the material in this site is just harmless fun, yet you would believe that 1% is the main focus of Tiki’s content. He’s just trying to run a funny website and make a few bucks off of ads in the process.
you guys should check out tiki tumble.
tikis going all NSFW on that site, plus
there’s no waiting time to get yout submisstion on the
main page.
I won’t even bother getting into the stupidity of polarizing America against itself.
Let’s just say you guys have people who disagree.
The point here is that woman hung teabags from a hat and she’s a voter.
People who hang teabags from hats should not be allowed out in public.
That goes for leftwing d-bags who wear skin tight jeans and wife beaters when they weigh about 80 pounds too. You fucking idiots deserve multiple deaths.
While right wing nuts may be more active left wing nuts are certainly more prevalent and also operate more secretly. Idolizing either like so many people who visit this site do (the left that is) makes you a fucking retard. Not the poster here I’m responding to but more than half the comments in here are complete bullshit.
A lot of you are just as stupid as the woman in the teabag hat.
Wearing wife beaters? I don’t even…
Undershirt tank top!
For real?! That’s fucking funny.
“…also known as a wife beater, Guinea tee or Dago tee (from guinea and dago, ethnic slurs against Italians)…”