Was looking for an old teacher on a library website when I came across this gem. Look at that keyboard! Ohhhh the ergonomics!
Also, in the background, we have a photobomb by a time travelling Ron Weasley.
Was looking for an old teacher on a library website when I came across this gem. Look at that keyboard! Ohhhh the ergonomics!
Also, in the background, we have a photobomb by a time travelling Ron Weasley.
Doing his fathers work, I see. Must make sure that muggle technology doesn’t go haywire.
Back in the day, Shufflepuck Cafe,
banner ads, gettin paid, ICQ, gettin laid,
back in the day, we knew Sulu was gay,
munchin numbers, runnin lodes, monochrome displays.
Back in the day? Damn none of that is back in the day. Back in the day is BBS with an acustic coupler downloading 256 colour porn.
mine was all just amber…
probably looks like george harrison these days
Is that short one on the right a girl or boy?
Back when your penis sized mattered less and the hair/head ratio was what got you poon.