Hmmm, Natedog’s “beat the shit out of him” is sound in theory and practice for all creatures I see.
look at this man
Holy crap! You’re picture changed!
The scorpions thoughts as he glided through the air: Dun da da DUN DUN, dun da da DUN DUN!, DUN DA DA DUN DUN, DUN da da DUUUUUN!!!!
That supposed to be the Superman theme? cause I think you missing the part where he broke his FUCKING NECK.
I think he was thinking of this
No, sound it out. It is clearly ride of the valkyries
2001 Space O
Hmmm, Natedog’s “beat the shit out of him” is sound in theory and practice for all creatures I see.
look at this man
Holy crap! You’re picture changed!
The scorpions thoughts as he glided through the air: Dun da da DUN DUN, dun da da DUN DUN!, DUN DA DA DUN DUN, DUN da da DUUUUUN!!!!
That supposed to be the Superman theme? cause I think you missing the part where he broke his FUCKING NECK.
I think he was thinking of this
No, sound it out. It is clearly ride of the valkyries
2001 Space O