Honest question case:
When you post the price on this stuff, is it because you’re bragging about spending what you think is a lot of money on clothes?
Or do you think that you’re a shrewd shopper who is getting a good deal?
That would drive me crazy. I’m not gonna go to five or six stores, see what they have and then make a decision. Neither do I believe, for one second, the value that the store tells me I’m getting, like they do at Ross and Marshalls, etc…It’s worth whatever I’m willing to pay to own it.
#1, #2 ,# and #4 make your head look really pointy.
My uncle Larry had a pointy head like yours. When he was little they tested his IQ and the results came back at 54. My Grandmama made them retest him and he scored 67 that time. So chin up, there is hope for guys with really pointy heads!
Do you know what the SARA model is? It is a model used by military officers to gauge the reaction towards a new proposal. SARA stands for shock, anger, rejection, and acceptance.
When casemods first posted pictures of himself on MCS, I was initially shocked at the vulgar content. Then came the anger. Fierce anger at both Tiki and casemods. The anger lasted several weeks which was followed up by the rejection phase. I refused to accept these posts by casemods, and went several days without visiting MCS.
But alas, today has come the acceptance phase. I laughed when I saw this post, and I accepted it as a normal part of MCS. The posts by casemods have developed into something to be expected, maybe even, dare I say, eagerly anticipated? Maybe not quite yet…
Now to answer the question at hand. #2 if you want to have sex with a woman, #4 if you want to have sex with a man, and #3 if you are having dinner with your mother and you need to hide the hickeys received during the aforementioned sexual escapades.
I say start with #1 for the “date” with your boyfriend. That way, if his man juice dribbles down your chin onto your shirt, you can switch to #3 as you both leave the forest preserve bathroom stall before your next “date” arrives.
I really cant wait until someone on the streets of San Jose recognizes him and blacks out from the RRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEE, only to come to after surprise buttsecks
remember to post pics if this happens to you, kids
ooooooh my god, who is this guy and why did he start posting pics of himself all over MCS recently?! You look like a typical little bitch and no one gives a fuck what you are wearing or what you just bought at the pawn shop. I’d rather see pictures of mudkips from 5 years ago then see another picture of your unshaven jay leno butt chin complimented by your always white, boring clothes. And why is your name case mods?!?!?!?! UGHHHHHHHHH
What do I think? I think you’re a brilliant troll. I wish I could lie, but it’s just like Lady GaGa being an awesome entrepreneur. You can’t just look away from a train wreck this awesome. You have to see it die to know it’s gone.
-tilts head- No, sweetie. You’re decent looking, but your personality needs to pass the, “get out of highschool” phase. My advice is to get off the internet for a while and grow up past the age of 16. I wish I could say that you suck at /fa/, but you have your stellar moments in that area.
I also wish I could say I didn’t feed the troll, but I’d be lying.
they all look like douches. p.s. you’re in the bathroom. look at those uneven towel racks.
#3…. because that maximizes your gayness
#5 fashion it into a noose and do the world a favour.
i was actually just about to suggest that as number 5 🙂
Hey, can you give me some of the winning lotto numbers from 2010, since you’re posting that from 2013?
Honest question case:
When you post the price on this stuff, is it because you’re bragging about spending what you think is a lot of money on clothes?
Or do you think that you’re a shrewd shopper who is getting a good deal?
Both and then some.
I paid $20 for the sweater and $10 for the shirt – over a $100 value!
That would drive me crazy. I’m not gonna go to five or six stores, see what they have and then make a decision. Neither do I believe, for one second, the value that the store tells me I’m getting, like they do at Ross and Marshalls, etc…It’s worth whatever I’m willing to pay to own it.
‘Gratz. You paid twenty bucks and still look like a c#nt.
Ya feelz me?
#1, #2 ,# and #4 make your head look really pointy.
My uncle Larry had a pointy head like yours. When he was little they tested his IQ and the results came back at 54. My Grandmama made them retest him and he scored 67 that time. So chin up, there is hope for guys with really pointy heads!
you make me angry…
Do you know what the SARA model is? It is a model used by military officers to gauge the reaction towards a new proposal. SARA stands for shock, anger, rejection, and acceptance.
When casemods first posted pictures of himself on MCS, I was initially shocked at the vulgar content. Then came the anger. Fierce anger at both Tiki and casemods. The anger lasted several weeks which was followed up by the rejection phase. I refused to accept these posts by casemods, and went several days without visiting MCS.
But alas, today has come the acceptance phase. I laughed when I saw this post, and I accepted it as a normal part of MCS. The posts by casemods have developed into something to be expected, maybe even, dare I say, eagerly anticipated? Maybe not quite yet…
Now to answer the question at hand. #2 if you want to have sex with a woman, #4 if you want to have sex with a man, and #3 if you are having dinner with your mother and you need to hide the hickeys received during the aforementioned sexual escapades.
“vulgar content” made me lol for like 5 minutes. you think some dude camwhoring on mcs is vulgar?
I’m pretty sure anything casemods done can be considered vulgar.
Well, the photo of his dick was pushing to that limit.
I’m still trying to see where the $36 “colored” buttoned down shirt is at.
See the shirt with the color? It’s called a colored button down, they are used widely in business.
No, I don’t see the shirt with the color. I do, however, see the shirt with the COLLAR. You wear a COLLARED shirt in business.
COLOR = red, blue, yellow, green, etc.
COLLAR = that pointy thing around your neck.
Oh, and #1.
None of the above. Take them all back and buy some decent clothes.
Faggot is faggot.
#2 looks supa fly. You’ll be picking up bitches in no time.
All four make that turd look like a jehovah’s witness.
And you can’t polish a turd
Incorrect. MythBusters has busted your insult.
You look like a Poof
$80 for that? You have my deepest condolences. Go for #3, if you’re going for faggotry, might as well take it to the top.
It retails around $80 but I paid $20 for it at ross.
It’s a really nice sweater.
Gayness to the power of infinity.
Those look like missing persons pictures of someone nobody actually wants to find.
I say start with #1 for the “date” with your boyfriend. That way, if his man juice dribbles down your chin onto your shirt, you can switch to #3 as you both leave the forest preserve bathroom stall before your next “date” arrives.
Oh snap!
Casemods took 3 years to afford those clothes.
You look like the offspring of Nia Vardalos and David Schwimmer. . .And just like Papa, you have a terrible sense of style.
I really cant wait until someone on the streets of San Jose recognizes him and blacks out from the RRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEE, only to come to after surprise buttsecks
remember to post pics if this happens to you, kids
Does tiki pay you to do shit like this? All your posts seem to achieve 20+ comments…
Don’t feed the troll…Ignore the troll….
Look if you must but do not return to the post.
Problem solved.
This thread is nearly Diggworthy.
Please, PLEASE, casemods, tell us that this is for a job interview.
Somehow, MCS seems to have become casemodspace.
It has, trust me it has.
So… how many accounts are you up to now mods? Like… seven?
that’s not casemods, it’s Nobody Knows
#3, but with a bible cluched real tight.
number 2
* clutched.
And just ‘cos it’s Calvin Kline, doesn’t mean that it not a generic plain piece of shite.
Stopped shopping at Ross it sounds like.
Two questions:
1. Who did you con into taking these pics, or do you not have any friends, so you used the timer?
2. Why in the unholy crimson hell do you take so many damn pictures in bathrooms?
shitting makes him feel good, so…
Lots of people take pictures in their workplace.
He gives the client at the glory hole a discount for taking his pic.
He looks like Pyscho from Stripes in #3
Amateur gay porn star auditions. See kids finish high school so you don’t end up a like this guy. He won’t be able to sit right for weeks.
Liberace: The Early Years. Airs tonight on Trainwreck-TV
Train wreck.. under the Hindenburg.
Dude… You all fail to realize that Case can time travel…. Give the man a golf clap.
Can we just filter Casemods?
ooooooh my god, who is this guy and why did he start posting pics of himself all over MCS recently?! You look like a typical little bitch and no one gives a fuck what you are wearing or what you just bought at the pawn shop. I’d rather see pictures of mudkips from 5 years ago then see another picture of your unshaven jay leno butt chin complimented by your always white, boring clothes. And why is your name case mods?!?!?!?! UGHHHHHHHHH
recently? You must be new. Foug, Casemond’s douchebaggery has become legend around M[c]S. His trolling is a fine wine among mass manufactured beers.
Hmm. I’d say it’s more like “his presence on MCS is like having a turd fall into your favourite Ming vase”…
I think you’d look excellent in any of the 4…
The plague of casemods is almost as old as MCS itself. Welcome aboard.
number 2 is the best!
What do I think? I think you’re a brilliant troll. I wish I could lie, but it’s just like Lady GaGa being an awesome entrepreneur. You can’t just look away from a train wreck this awesome. You have to see it die to know it’s gone.
Also, #2.
Go with #3 and keep that look on your face. Seems to me you have forgotten the gerbil that is crawling around in your ass.
on #3 you look like Gabriel Gray …. have you ever play in heroes??
I’m gonna have to go for #1. It’s the least gay looking of all… and considering the fact that it’s you wearing it… that’s quite a compliment.
First of all, it’s Calvin Klein. If you’re going to go designer, at least read the tag.
Also, #2.
I think it’s funny how people think I’m a troll just because I’m so good looking.
They just assume I’m trolling because I look so good.
Well I’m just looking for advice.
Who in their right mind would honestly think asking for advice is trolling?
I guess It’s because I’m extremely attractive.
I wish I wasn’t so attractive so I could get real advice 🙁
Well at least some people gave me real advice, so I thank you.
You should wear 3 or 4 polo shirts, layered, and pop all the collars. Chicks dig that stuff, especially when it’s you. Trust me.
And by “chicks,” I mean “dudes.”
I wouldn’t want to copy your shtick bro
-tilts head- No, sweetie. You’re decent looking, but your personality needs to pass the, “get out of highschool” phase. My advice is to get off the internet for a while and grow up past the age of 16. I wish I could say that you suck at /fa/, but you have your stellar moments in that area.
I also wish I could say I didn’t feed the troll, but I’d be lying.
Wear it around your face so that I never have to look at your ever again
GAy boy
Gay is cool bro. I hate gangsters, and they hate gays, so I like gays.
I will fucking kill any gangsterfags if you ask me to
“I will fuck any gangsterfags if you ask me to”
ya feels me?
Wait…are you and Tiki screwing? Has he ever donkey punched you?
I stimulate his prostate once in a while.
2 is least retarded looking.
OK…moving on to the next picture…
I see through your April Fools joke Tiki.
Just imagine him dressed like that, riding on his stupid ass scooter down the street.
Hilarity ensues.
I wouldn’t wear something this mature on that scooter. This is like, dinner with my dad attire.
I would wear younger looking clothes while riding my go ped, such as looser fitting jeans and older shirts that don’t cost much.
the only thing i can write here and no spell wrong is: you look fat. there was a time when you looked thin now for some reason you look fat why is it?
The next step in Casemods self promotion: