Don’t know what’s on that pocket, or is that on the mirror? Other than a better folded tie, iron out that crease over the left breast, and maybe a shave you’ll do fine. It’s more about how you act in an interview and what you have on a resume than about how you look.
Blues and grays but especially blues are good for interviews. Nobody wants to guy the dresses for a funeral, unless thats the job you’re applying for. Don’t be obscene with the amount of rigid formal wear, you’re not going to an after sunset Cotillion. If you’re applying for management wear or Windsor or even a Pratt knot in your tie, if you’re applying to just a normal position go for a Four-in-Hand knot its slender, not small, but doesnt give the impressive I AM YOUR BOSS look a Windsor will give. Avoid a “half windsor” they are general too short for interviews. Good luck
I have to say, I agree that this is your biggest problem. The original-package-wrinkles say “Hey, I’m making an effort, but this is my first grown up shirt.”
Interviewers want to see somebody who can show up every day dressed appropriately, not somebody who can clean up nice for one interview.
Also, cut your hair, or intentionally part it somewhere. You are not one of the beatles, and you’re giving the impression that in about a week your hair will grow over your eyes.
Your so hot :P! haha i would however iron the shirt and remove the sticker! depending on how relaxed the interview is roll up your sleeves by two or three cuffs !
Not nearly enough people have told you to shave. Just because it’s style to sport a beatnick-style scruff of neckfur doesn’t make it ok for a job interview.
Things like ironing the shirt are obvious, I’d hope you know to do that already.
Finally, if it’s any job worth a damn, you can’t go wrong with formal. You generally can’t pull off the “business casual” look. And like mentioned, it’s all about the colors, as you really don’t want to look like a funeral parlor employee.
Job interview? The shirt needs to be pressed, the label needs to come off the pocket. And I’m assuming that’s the tie hanger, not a tie clip. Although the tie itself kind of looks like a clip on, although upon second embiggen look, it’s just tied weirdly. And the little end is supposed to be shorter than the big end, and the big end should be just above the belt.
No, I would know, I am you.
No, I am casemods
I’m Batman
Why So Serious?
Hi Sparticus I’m Spartacus.
Eat my dick.
Nein, ich heiß casemods
Don’t know what’s on that pocket, or is that on the mirror? Other than a better folded tie, iron out that crease over the left breast, and maybe a shave you’ll do fine. It’s more about how you act in an interview and what you have on a resume than about how you look.
I actually bought this shirt and the tie. I try stuff on, and take pictures, and then look at those pictures later to see how they look on me.
The sticker was on the pocket. It was the measurements.
I need slim fitting shirts though.
This one is way to baggy, but it’s a decent shirt for $8 and my first collared button down.
I also learned how to tie a tie since this picture.
Picture shows my attempts to tie a tie, or at least fold it somewhat like a tie would be.
And yeah I try to shave a lot now but I usually break out around my mouth/neck and it sucks.
Blues and grays but especially blues are good for interviews. Nobody wants to guy the dresses for a funeral, unless thats the job you’re applying for. Don’t be obscene with the amount of rigid formal wear, you’re not going to an after sunset Cotillion. If you’re applying for management wear or Windsor or even a Pratt knot in your tie, if you’re applying to just a normal position go for a Four-in-Hand knot its slender, not small, but doesnt give the impressive I AM YOUR BOSS look a Windsor will give. Avoid a “half windsor” they are general too short for interviews. Good luck
I don’t like black pants at all. I hate black. I was thinking a light beige with light blue.
Take the sticker off, iron your shirt, fix the left side of your tie and stop looking like youd suck a cock for a quarter and you’ll do fine.
Looking pretty paunchy, cowboy. At least your off the meth.
I was never really on it to begin with.
depends if they hire queers
Iron and de label, you look like a security guard.
The razor is your friend.
I have to say, I agree that this is your biggest problem. The original-package-wrinkles say “Hey, I’m making an effort, but this is my first grown up shirt.”
Interviewers want to see somebody who can show up every day dressed appropriately, not somebody who can clean up nice for one interview.
Also, cut your hair, or intentionally part it somewhere. You are not one of the beatles, and you’re giving the impression that in about a week your hair will grow over your eyes.
trim the bangs unless thats the world’s greatest comb-over
Your so hot :P! haha i would however iron the shirt and remove the sticker! depending on how relaxed the interview is roll up your sleeves by two or three cuffs !
haha then post another pic of the final product!
You look ready for a the job if someone is hiring neanderthals. But then that is too much of a compliment.
I don’t even know where to start.
Not nearly enough people have told you to shave. Just because it’s style to sport a beatnick-style scruff of neckfur doesn’t make it ok for a job interview.
Things like ironing the shirt are obvious, I’d hope you know to do that already.
Finally, if it’s any job worth a damn, you can’t go wrong with formal. You generally can’t pull off the “business casual” look. And like mentioned, it’s all about the colors, as you really don’t want to look like a funeral parlor employee.
I wasn’t asking if my entire appearance was acceptable for an interview – I already know to shave and I prefer shaving to not shaving.
I’ll look into an iron.
Do you mean you can’t pull off the business casual look for an interview or that I myself can’t pull it off?
I like dressing like this all time.
Feels better then average shit like hoodies and jeans
fuck an iron. L2use the ironing box next to the washers in the laundromat
Looks good actually. I’d say leave the stubble, you remind me of that guy from the office… BK Novak.. The brown chick likes him. I forget his name.
You know, after having watched all of Heroes lately, I’ve realized something… Case kinda looks like Sylar….
two (or is it three?) words: clip on tie
Yes, I’d like fries with that please.
This is all AMAZING advice except the fucking idiot doesn’t even have a high school diploma and can’t pass his GED.
Just a good ol’fyi for all the people who like many of us in the forum took time to actually try and help this loser.
Also he likes to smoke meth and huff fumes from aerosol cans.
I’m not fucking kidding.
Job interview? You don’t even have a resume.
FYI I haven’t taken any GED tests yet. Those are scheduled later this month. Well, 2 of them anyway.
Never really did meth, just tried it.
Did pc duster a couple times. Shit was fun.
Also I’ve worked at a movie theater so technically that’s a resume.
There’s more than one GED test? Do you have to take separate tests for each course? Somehow I managed not to know this.
Lose the labels, and your tie is crooked. Also, go with something other than black and white. You look like a geek squad person
Speaking of your tie, I don’t mean to nit-pic, yes I do, your tie isn’t tied correctly.
Here are proper directions…
Looks like Mr. Spock’s son with Mrs. Down Syndrome as the surrogate mother.
Awesome ! It does !
You look like sylar
Not a job interview, right ?
Job interview? The shirt needs to be pressed, the label needs to come off the pocket. And I’m assuming that’s the tie hanger, not a tie clip. Although the tie itself kind of looks like a clip on, although upon second embiggen look, it’s just tied weirdly. And the little end is supposed to be shorter than the big end, and the big end should be just above the belt.
don’t know about the interview but that’s perfect for my bedroom floor
I wouldn’t hire you if you were going to pay me.
“I’ll look into an iron.”
i hope you were joking.
Along with those mentioned above, I recommend shaving. Just my opinion.
Yeah, maybe a different colored tie.