“Dominique Helena Moceanu (born September 30, 1981 in Hollywood, California) is an American gymnast of Romanian descent who was a member of the Olympic Gold medal winning 1996 U.S. Women’s Gymnastics team in Atlanta (the “Magnificent Seven”).”
But wait, unhealthy, what’s that supposed to mean. I know where to draw the line, singing Amazing Grace every time I take a shower, tattooing the American flag onto the foreheads of newborn babies at the hospital and touching myself to packages I got sent from America is definitely NOT unhealthy.
And yes she’s awesome. I adore the photo of her on the left beyond comprehension. Romanian gymnasts never fail to make me feel proud, as irrational as it is.
“Dominique Helena Moceanu (born September 30, 1981 in Hollywood, California) is an American gymnast of Romanian descent who was a member of the Olympic Gold medal winning 1996 U.S. Women’s Gymnastics team in Atlanta (the “Magnificent Seven”).”
Eat your heart out, dieA.
For being Romanian and American I mean… You being the one with the unhealthy attachment to America.
Aww, you called me American.
But wait, unhealthy, what’s that supposed to mean. I know where to draw the line, singing Amazing Grace every time I take a shower, tattooing the American flag onto the foreheads of newborn babies at the hospital and touching myself to packages I got sent from America is definitely NOT unhealthy.
And yes she’s awesome. I adore the photo of her on the left beyond comprehension. Romanian gymnasts never fail to make me feel proud, as irrational as it is.
You scare me sometimes…
Of course it’s unhealthy.
Those little babies are covered in germs.
She stopped going to the gym?
she’s quite swollen
That woman in the second picture can NOT be Dominique Moceanu!
She looks like she might’ve EATEN Dominique Moceanu.
I’m too lazy to find the source for this picture, but she did have a baby, so I strongly suspect she’s pregnant in the photo on the right.
Thank you. I was worried I was about to have to explain what happens when you have sex with no condom to these guys.
Apparently being pregnant gives you a cleft chin.
Either that or holding a medal and posing slightly like an old picture of someone who kind of looks like you makes you a former Olympian.
Pedobear does not approve of the second pic!
Or Pedobear is to blame for the second picture.
I’m having a salad, she should too.
I can’t believe that it took me this long to get the link posted, but this is the source:
and yes, she was with child at the time of the photograph
She growed up nice.
What happened to her face? It’s all ugly and fat now