Have you seen this commercial? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qq55mIxT33M – What do you think of this chick? Screen shot is bad pose so watch the commercial.
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Have you seen this commercial? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qq55mIxT33M – What do you think of this chick? Screen shot is bad pose so watch the commercial.
I think this is the stupidest gum ever.
Unfunny commercial, wierd-looking girl
terrible commercial. as far as the chick goes…. need a few more
images with less clothing and more closeups to come to a decision.
15 min of googling to see who she is, and no results points to her
not being much of anybody as far as “acting” goes.
I think the commercial is incredible. Very 50s, at least based on the execution. It’s so bad that it’s good. As for the girl, she is very pretty but that’s probably the worst shot anyone could have ever taken of her. Really I can’t think of any worse photos anyone has ever taken of pretty girls. She’s very lonelygirl15-ish. Awesome.
No one ever pays me in gum =[
I get that look all tha time
Can I pay you in cum?
You will never be able to watch this commercial again without hearing it this way.
I so sad – hookers NEVER want to be paid in gum. 🙁
Creepy looking, and not in a cute way.
Reminds me of Violet Beauregard from Willy Wonka.
The commercial is supposed to be stupid and robotic. you guys are either saps or european.
Hey I’m European and I knew it was on purpose. Silly Americano.
People people….she’s underage…haha…jk, i’d totally hit it…reminds me of winney cooper from the wonder years…i wanted to hit that too when i was 10
Yep, I saw Winnie Cooper, too.
OK I saw this pic here two days ago and didn’t think much of it but now it is stuck in my head – her expression – she is teh kyoot. D’aww.
I know this girl and she’s actually very nice and pretty so everyone should stop being douchebags and get a life
I’m sure she can handle it, prolly better than you, wuss.