These bags are a classic that have existed for many years. Even as backpacks and tote bags become popular, messenger bags have maintained their spot in the market. The lightweight design and compact build make them suitable for running various errands. Messenger bags also go well with either formal or casual attire.
But what if you want a personalized design that will stand out in public? You can buy a custom messenger bag or look for a bag manufacturer and work on a personalized design. In this guide, we share tips to help you craft your perfect custom messenger bag.
Know Your Needs
Don’t be in a hurry to design a bag before identifying how and where you are going to use it. Will you use the bag for carrying your office stuff, or will it be for solo weekend getaways? The answer to this question will help you decide on the size and what features to add.
Custom messenger bags are available in different sizes. Small compact bags are suitable for light travels where you only need to carry your wallet, keys, and phone. Medium-sized bags have more space, enough to fit a laptop or tablet and a few extra items.
Also, think about organization. Having pockets and slides to create different compartments will help you make great use of the small space. For example, you can add a padded compartment for your laptop or tablet. Extra pockets on the side can be suitable for carrying easy-to-reach items like your keys and water bottle.
Think About Material
A custom messenger bag is as good as the material used to make it. High-quality materials promise durability and longevity. Canvas is the go-to option for most people designing personalized messenger bags. It is sturdy, easy to maintain, and has a lightweight feel.
Leather is another good option if you have a bigger budget. They deliver more class and elegance. They are suitable for running official errands where you want your class to speak for itself.
You can also use nylon or polyester if you are after a pocket-friendly messenger bag. Both materials are water-resistant, which is a plus if you want a bag for outdoor activities.
Let’s Talk Design and Colours
This is the fun part, as you get to bring your creative ideas to life. The first step is choosing colours that complement your style. Do you prefer a minimalist design with subtle shades of black and grey, or something vibrant featuring brighter colours?
You can also add personal messages to let the bag tell your story. Think about adding your favourite quote or including a drawing of your favourite anime character. These subtle additions will make your bag stand out in public.
Wrapping Up
Going to work or school with your custom messenger bag will add an extra bounce to your step. A good design will complement your fashion, making even basic attire look sophisticated. These bags can also be used to promote your brand or business. They also make excellent gifts for friends and family.