The cancellation of “Star Trek: Prodigy,” the first animated kids show in the “Star Trek” universe, comes despite the fact that the show was renewed for a second season back in 2021. According to an individual with knowledge of the situation, although the show had aired on Nickelodeon in addition to Paramount+, it will not be returning to Nickelodeon either. Those on the show will complete post-production on Season 2 and then CBS Studios will be free to shop it to other outlets.
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While I’m not a fan of content removal in general, I think removing any Star Trek content from P+ is a terrible idea. It’s should pretty much be the place where you can watch all of ST. Splitting that up would be like D+ selling off the Star Wars movies to another streamer while holding onto the shows. Just seems dumb splitting a franchise up in any way. I guess we won’t be watching Prodigy then as we try to get caught up. I think we were going to watch Lower Decks next after we finish the last two episodes of Discovery.