‘He’s toast.’ Trump facing 100 years in prison.
Added on June 13th, 2023 by 67_34_ | Report Post
Tags:Donald Trump, Donald Trump's Indictment, Politics
Tags:Donald Trump, Donald Trump's Indictment, Politics
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This bit is from someone who, apparently, has no idea Federal Sentencing Guidelines work.
In reality, Trump faces something between about 57 to perhaps as much as 262 months in Federal Prison, if convicted on all counts. But everything depends upon what the Judge decides is appropriate for this particular felon, and the nature of his crimes.
TBF: Anything over 5 years, or so, is effectively a life sentence for an obese 76 year old.
As much as I’m cool western style karma catching up with him, for a long time I’d be perfectly happy with “natural causes”.
The only problem with the latter, is there’s gonna be some Q group that “witnessed” him on the third day.