Archives Think Trump Could STILL Be Hoarding Docs, Panel Says
Added on September 14th, 2022 by Icy-Week-3439 | Report Post
Tags:2022 Raid On Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump, Politics
Tags:2022 Raid On Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump, Politics
We are going to have to seriously consider exhuming a body aren’t we?
The Saudis didn’t give Jared Kushner $2b for a superyacht!
He’s a malignant narcissist. He needs the trappings of power to feed his addiction. He will claw at anything that gives him the perception of power.
With a transactional mind set, these were his ultimate bargaining poker chips.
I am confident that he’s likely already exfiltrated documents in pay for play… Properties in Turkey, Russia, China…. His son has recently received $2 billion to “invest”.