
Ico: Directed by Fumito Ueda. With Kazuhiro Shindou, Rieko Takahashi, Misa Watanabe. On a distant island, there is a legend that anyone born with horns will bring about calamity. When such a boy is locked away in a fortress, he must work together with a girl named Yorda to flee before they can be claimed by the spirits.

Played on the PS3 as part of the “The ICO and Shadow of the Colossus Collection”, I bought this back in September 2015, it sat on multiple shelves for about 7 years, never being opened or even paid much attention to, which is a damn shame because this ended up being a game that I think I would have appreciated a bit more had I played it back when it originally came out in 2001. The world was still trying to figure out standard controls for games and the PS3 that this was originally developed for was barely able to handle FPS graphics and had a ridiculous amount of blur worked into nearly every game released for the platform. If you can look past the obvious age that the game has, there’s a good game to be had here, just with exceptionally frustrating portions in which the question isn’t “how do I do that” but “what exactly am I being asked to do here?”

Next up I think I’m going to tackle the second part of this collection, I have no clue what type of game “Shadow of the Colossus” is, but I expect it’s going to be something akin to what I experienced in Ico.

Here’s my playthroughs, I’m still struggling to have a solid launch of the stream, maybe one day I’ll have a checklist that covers absolutely everything I need to do before going live:




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