I have 3 ar styled weapons , none of them have 100 round drum magazines. but I’m sure some of the rooftop koreans in the LA riots would have appreciated them. extra large magazines are mostly for entertainment , no real units or forces use them , they are not reliable for service weapons. but once again you tried to shift away from the original statement of it being “a machine whose only purpose” . . blah ,blah blah . . .
no, that’s the point I was making , please pay more attention. I have 3 and yet none have been used to kill mass amounts of humans. they are target , hunting , and home defense tools. these weapons are used daily by tens of thousands every day. estimates say there are over 20,000,000 of these rifles in civilian hands right now. you would think we would have more of a problem than we do , but it only seems to be and yet less than 60 have been used in mass shootings. seems like an awfully small percentage. https://www.statista.com/statistics/476409/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-weapon-types-used/
target practice is for target practice , shooting can actually be fun if you’re not a scared little child about it. tens of thousands use them for hunting anything from varmints to coyotes , wild hogs , deer. . . you might want to google a bit before making such silly claims. actually since they were specifically modified for the civilian population , no , they weren’t made for war. such dramatism. again, the post says “only purpose” and I’ve given you other purposes you choose to be ignorant and ignore them , that’s on you.
“only purpose” . . . who’s making up shit now?
what other purpose would a 100 round drum magazine have?
I have 3 ar styled weapons , none of them have 100 round drum magazines. but I’m sure some of the rooftop koreans in the LA riots would have appreciated them. extra large magazines are mostly for entertainment , no real units or forces use them , they are not reliable for service weapons. but once again you tried to shift away from the original statement of it being “a machine whose only purpose” . . blah ,blah blah . . .
And you’re ignoring the original point that none of those weapons were designed for anything other than killing other people, quickly and efficiently.
no, that’s the point I was making , please pay more attention. I have 3 and yet none have been used to kill mass amounts of humans. they are target , hunting , and home defense tools. these weapons are used daily by tens of thousands every day. estimates say there are over 20,000,000 of these rifles in civilian hands right now. you would think we would have more of a problem than we do , but it only seems to be and yet less than 60 have been used in mass shootings. seems like an awfully small percentage. https://www.statista.com/statistics/476409/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-weapon-types-used/
target practice for….shooting people?
Hunting…. people? no honest hunter is going to use an AR-15 to hunt with
home defense against….people?
it’s like you don’t know you’re arguing against yourself here. Just admit that these weapons were designed for war!
target practice is for target practice , shooting can actually be fun if you’re not a scared little child about it. tens of thousands use them for hunting anything from varmints to coyotes , wild hogs , deer. . . you might want to google a bit before making such silly claims. actually since they were specifically modified for the civilian population , no , they weren’t made for war. such dramatism. again, the post says “only purpose” and I’ve given you other purposes you choose to be ignorant and ignore them , that’s on you.
> specifically modified for the civilian population
you’re so close to self realization!