A school I’m going to has implemented some really stupid security measures that mean that I have to use a TFA token every time the phone checks the mail.
The fosters went in for their first round of shots, they all have hook worm, so now I’m giving them drugs for that. Other than the parasites, they’re doing great though!
Sandra Dee in her role as “gidget”, a roll that Sally Field later played on tv.
Not my cat, but one that I feed, so maybe she is my cat?
I drank one of these and it was great!
Neither of thee FedEx trucks had packages for me, but they were throwing packages from one truck to the other. About 20 minutes later a third FedEx truck showed up at my house to give me my package.
My package was a care gift from the very thoughtful people at Reddit. I mod a few subs for them in an unpaid volunteer type of thing that honestly needs to be a paid gig for the amount of work that I have to do for them.