I’ve been putting off watching this, as I only just barely missed getting hit by the subprime implosion, so I have good memories of friends having severe financial problems, some of whom have still not fully recovered. Seeing it in a movie isn’t necessary and I’ll admit to a bit of PTSD with hearing that only a single person was ever held accountable for the situation, and that the companies that were involved in it are still doing the same exact thing, and still have the same kind of regulatory capture that they did back then.
It’s enough to make you sick.
Is that an endorsement of the film? Maybe. The story is well done, the subject matter is boring as fucking, but made sexy with the help of Margot Robbie and Selena Gomez, among others. The acting is all top notch, but I feel like shit after watching it.
Saw this one when it came out. Really liked the movie but it made me so damn angry it is definitely on the list of good movies I’m never watching again.