a little problem with GOP “logic”

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    I’m 100% pre choice. But this also points out how stupid laws that try to ban gun are.

    tiki god

    right, but I’m ok with banning certain features or categories of weapons, why would anyone need a 100 round barrel drum for their glocks? why would anyone need a fully automatic 22lr? who would need a fully operational Howitzer?


    Because you can assemble a machine shop in your garage and either make it yourself or modify existing things such that they’re now illegal. Do we ban machine shops now? Do we ban all forms of metalworking? Do we take the ludicrous step of trying to ban the knowledge of how a gun operates? So yes while you can “ban” certain things, you need to understand that this doesn’t actually stop them. Worse, it’s used as a political tool because fools think that a ban does actually stop them. Too much time is spent on the political posturing for laws that don’t functionally work.

    tiki god

    I don’t think that’s the case at all and you’ve simplified a very complex situation.


    I don’t think so, I was responding to “But this also points out how stupid laws that try to ban gun are” As long as people know how to buy/modify/manufacture guns, this will be a problem. They will have this knowledge forever, so we need more creative solutions to this problem. Take for instance the shooter in Nova Scotia, they rushed to ban all sorts of things after that incident. Guns he didn’t use, guns he didn’t buy in Canada, as a result literally NONE of what was in that law would have affected this dude at all. You call that efficient use of our lawmakers time? The answer cannot just be “BAN GUNS!” because that, over and over, does not work. We need to work smarter, not harder.

    tiki god

    then why didn’t you respond to that comment instead? you’re a very confused person


    Because I’m a loser and thinking of this like a single thread?


    You can also learn to make meth off of the internet. Because I can do it in my garage means I should be allowed to?

    Your argument falls flat. Because we can do something does not mean we should do so, or not have ramifications if we choose to.


    We’ve banned handguns here what, like three times now? They’re still the most popular weapon used in shootings. How does that work? They are banned! It’s incredibly dumb that banning a gun that was already banned is seen as a good move politically, when in reality it does nothing to stop someone from going across the border and buying one in the USA.

    tiki god

    where is “here” to you? The US has never banned any kind of pistol in any way at all.


    Canada. There was a shooting in Nova Scotia. Gunman had weapons he bought in the USA, taken to Canada illegally. He couldn’t have purchased those guns here if he tried. Then, the government decided to “ban assault-style guns”, which ended up being a random ass list of guns that had nothing to do with the shooting at all, and were already marked as Restricted firearms, so you can’t buy them in the first place. They double-banned guns. Why? I dunno, to look cool I guess? Political posturing and nothing else.

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