Derek Chauvin pleads guilty to violating George Floyd’s civil rights
Added on December 17th, 2021 by tiki bot | Report Post
Tags:Bad Cops, George Floyd's Public Execution
Tags:Bad Cops, George Floyd's Public Execution
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He murdered someone while violating his rights, so concurrent sentences? How about consecutive sentences, instead.
I’ve never seen the point of concurrent sentences. Seems like a method of being found TECHNICALLY guilty, but not actually being penalized.
He’s going to have to serve his sentence in solitary. If he goes to Gen Pop, he is a dead man.
The point of concurrent sentences is twofold: 1) Since the crime of violating Mr. Floyd’s rights was inextricably bound to the crime of murdering him, it would arguably be double punishment for what was essentially one crime. 2) It raises the bar, in this case infinitely, for an appeal; this way, even if his murder conviction were overturned, based on whatever bullshit excuse might exist, his guilty plea to this particular crime, would leave him in jail for 300 months, or whatever the sentence ultimately ends up being. In 25 years… no one, no one, is going to give a flying fsck about this pyschopath; and that’s fine.