It’s been famously said that the “Foundation” book series could never be adopted to television, and for the most part they were right. Not that this isn’t a good series, it is in fact, one of the best science fictions stories on TV right now, but because what they’ve filmed is just different enough from the source material that I would consider it as ‘inspired by’ instead of a pure adaptation. The visuals are amazing, the acting is way over the top, and the story is somewhat captivating, though I do sigh every time they change the focus from the Foundation to the Empire. I know that the entire goal of the Foundation is to save humanity from long periods of intellectual darkness, but the way they’re presenting it here seems to mean that to save humanity they need to save Empire. Let Empire Burn, that’s my motto. There’s no reason to let a couple hundred years of darkness get in the way of humanity’s growth, and the only way that humanity is going to grow in this universe is to let the old rulers die and disappear into history’s shadow.
Foundation Season 1
Added on November 29th, 2021 by tiki god | Report Post
Tags:Television, Television Posters, Television Reviews
Tags:Television, Television Posters, Television Reviews
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