I had some extra credits at a local used book store and chose this one because I had purchased nearly every Trek book they had and the cover was lurid and lewd enough to catch my eye, then the synopsis on the dust cover caught my interest. It’s one of those classic science fiction stories that set hard and fast rules about their universe, then show you how to get around every single one of them. In this, it’s that Humanity has one rule: no murder, premeditated or otherwise, under penalty of death by nearly god like aliens that know all and see all. There’s some real goofy concepts in the book that I absolutely love, so if you check it out, stick around until they leave the ship for the first time, by that point I was personally hooked on the story.
It’s the first book in a series set in the same universe, but I don’t think there’s enough here for me to continue on with them. This is a great stand alone story and I enjoyed my time with it.