But, as a practical matter, treason, as the only crime actually defined in the Constitution, is usually interpreted to only apply when aiding a foreign nation with whom we are engaged in a declared war. (With only a couple of exceptions, even spies working with foreign governments are charged with violating other laws, rather than treason. (cf: The Rosenbergs.))
So, we’re just gonna have to go with sedition, and/or seditious conspiracy. (see: 18 U.S. Code § 2384 – Seditious conspiracy.)
So… in their defense, it does strain credulity that Americans would have voted for “Sleepy Joe”, instead of a morbidly obese, spray-tanned, mobster who can’t speak in complete sentences, or walk down a fscking ramp. Does it not? I mean, look at the numbers: Trump polled electorially within one or two points of his approval rating, just like every other sitting President in modern history. How could that possibly make sense? Why would American voters have held Trump responsible for 600,000 dead Americans?
Well, yes.
But, as a practical matter, treason, as the only crime actually defined in the Constitution, is usually interpreted to only apply when aiding a foreign nation with whom we are engaged in a declared war. (With only a couple of exceptions, even spies working with foreign governments are charged with violating other laws, rather than treason. (cf: The Rosenbergs.))
So, we’re just gonna have to go with sedition, and/or seditious conspiracy. (see: 18 U.S. Code § 2384 – Seditious conspiracy.)
Out of these 147, what was there reason to object to certify the election? trumps lies?
So… in their defense, it does strain credulity that Americans would have voted for “Sleepy Joe”, instead of a morbidly obese, spray-tanned, mobster who can’t speak in complete sentences, or walk down a fscking ramp. Does it not? I mean, look at the numbers: Trump polled electorially within one or two points of his approval rating, just like every other sitting President in modern history. How could that possibly make sense? Why would American voters have held Trump responsible for 600,000 dead Americans?