Disney made the absolutely unconscionable decision to release their tentpole film to theaters only, so if you live in a Corona hot spot like me, you have two choices:
Go to the theaters and risk dying from a lung infection.
Stream a handcam version of the film from Vietnam with French subtitles.
The film was good, but not good enough to risk my life, so I’m going to go with option 3. Stream it from whoever I can, then buy a copy of it when / if society is still around in a functioning form by the time the disk gets released.
While we’re not quite as bad here as where you are, we’re not doing all that great either. Deciding to wait until we can watch it at home. Trying to stay spoiler free will be difficult so I’ve just accepted that it’s going to happen at some point.
I’m seeing reports of between $71 and 83 million opening weekend domestically. Looks like between $127 and $140 million worldwide. Those number swings seem to be because some places counted Monday and others didn’t. Weird decision to include a Monday in a “weekend” box office total because of the holiday but okay sure.