Did you know Joe Biden sat out the Vietnam war after receiving five student draft deferments and a medical exemption for having asthma as a teenager? This is despite Biden being a college football star and working as a swimming pool lifeguard.
This, after five years ‘President Bone Spurs’… maybe he contracted it while he was in South African prison for trying to see Nelson Mandela hur hur hur…
A history of asthma is one thing (my sister had asthma as a young child and ended up on her college’s rowing team). STRAIGHT UP LYING ABOUT BONE SPURS THAT NEVER EXISTED IS ANOTHER.
Joe Biden lied about his academic record.
Joe Biden lied about his civil rights activities.
Joe Biden pretends not to know about the decades-long history of the US overthrowing governments and interfering in elections.
Joe Biden frequently makes up stories about pitched battles with guys called Cornpop and children touching his hairy legs.
Joe Biden lies so hard and so often, I don’t think he knows what’s real any more… bUt We HaVe To TrUsT hIm AbOuT tHe AsThMa ThInG, U GiUsE…! wE hAvE tO tRuSt ThE pReSiDeNt!!!1!
You replaced one compulsively lying accused rapist with another compulsively lying accused rapist. How proud you must feel.
it’s like you took all the facts you heard about Trump for the last 15 years and are trying to apply them to a completely different person without even a shred of follow up.
Have it your way:
Joe Biden lied about his academic record:
Joe Biden lied about his civil rights activities:
Joe Biden pretends not to know about the decades-long history of the US overthrowing governments and interfering in elections.
Joe Biden frequently makes up stories about pitched battles with guys called Cornpop and children touching his hairy legs:
I think you owe me an apology, you tinpot little twerp of an Admin.
You’re losing it Trumpster…
You know none of what you just said is true, and that’s why I can’t wait for the midterms. I can’t wait to see retarded shitlibs like you looking people who were depending on a $15 min wage or student debt relief in the eye and telling them they have to vote blue no matter who. Most of all, though… I can’t wait for the excuses. Oh the excuses are going to be exquisite…!