Punctuation, like language, is malleable.
Did you understand what I wrote…?
Then my punctuation is fine…
MCS doesn’t prescribe to the NYT Style and Usage Manual.
your english teacher should have killed you to save her honor . . . just because I can read and see where all your mistakes are doesn’t mean what you wrote is in anyway correct , just means I’ve had to read a lot of uneducated scribblings online.
sure, they’re going to give a rats ass about your current mental illnesses.
Also, who cares about this meeting? it was a nothing burger at the time and it’s still a nothing burger
You’re playing that card now….?
Haven’t you got anything better to do…?
I live in your head, rent-free. Is this some kind of sex thing for you?
No…you infest one of my favorite sites rent free…..
And yet you keep coming back like a battered housewife. I’m starting to think you enjoy it.
Are you admitting to abuse…?
Too funny.
Of course you identify with abusers….
For breaking balls on the internet? Grow up, Rihanna.
Hey, you picked the metaphor, not me.
When someone tells me who they are, I generally believe them….
Seriously? . . . You’re playing that card now? . . . Haven’t you got anything better to do? THIS is how punctuation works , you’re welcome.
Punctuation, like language, is malleable.
Did you understand what I wrote…?
Then my punctuation is fine…
MCS doesn’t prescribe to the NYT Style and Usage Manual.
your english teacher should have killed you to save her honor . . . just because I can read and see where all your mistakes are doesn’t mean what you wrote is in anyway correct , just means I’ve had to read a lot of uneducated scribblings online.
If the Clintons could kill anyone they wanted with zero repercussions, Donald Trump never would’ve made it to the nomination.
You think anyone really thought Trump would pose any threat back then?