This list is from 2019. It’s actually closer to 61 US military interventions in Latin America today. All in the name of self-defense, right?
This list is from 2019. It’s actually closer to 61 US military interventions in Latin America today. All in the name of self-defense, right?
Biden has inherited a mess, huh….?
Yeah, because Joe Biden was known for speaking out vehemently against US military intervention in his 40 years in the senate…
Biden had no power in the Senate to overturn any of this.
He was one vote.
You really aren’t very good at this are you….?
Didn’t stop him from shaming people from the senate floor for not going along with the sanctions and illegal war in Iraq that resulted in the deaths of half a million men, women and children, did it?
And then Afghanistan.
And then Libya to prove he learned his lesson.
And then Syria.
Don’t you ever get tired of looking like a colossal fuckhead? Does the DNC pay out do do this or is it some kind of sex thing?
“Don’t you ever get tired of looking like a coloss
al fuckhead?”
You know I’m just baiting you…..right….?
I’m not even American….I just think it’s funny watching you lose your shit.
What else you got moron….?
And administration certainly seems to have learned the lessons of the past when the Secretary of States responds to the Bolivian people defeating the US-sponsored far-right coup regime and trying puppet dictators in court: