This product was not designed for people who wear their masks in cars (probably have a legit reason). This product was designed for anti-bucklers. There are people who STILL resent the law forcing them to buckle up. They think it’s their right to get ejected from their vehicle during a crash and endangering others.
Strange how people who think they have the right to endanger others in the name of “freedom” always vote Republican. Typically, the nastiest candidate, too.
This product was not designed for people who wear their masks in cars (probably have a legit reason). This product was designed for anti-bucklers. There are people who STILL resent the law forcing them to buckle up. They think it’s their right to get ejected from their vehicle during a crash and endangering others.
Strange how people who think they have the right to endanger others in the name of “freedom” always vote Republican. Typically, the nastiest candidate, too.