In this video, a bunch of people who don’t know how thermodynamics and sublimation work.
If you are a person that truly thinks that all this snow was fake, please fucking kill yourself. You are holding back the progress of the human race as a whole and we’re never going to get shit done if we have a group of people that think there was a snow conspiracy. Same for flat Earth believers. Just fuck right off into the ocean and drown yourselves.
If the timestamp doesn’t work, skip to about 4:45.
In this video, a bunch of people who don’t know how thermodynamics and sublimation work.
If you are a person that truly thinks that all this snow was fake, please fucking kill yourself. You are holding back the progress of the human race as a whole and we’re never going to get shit done if we have a group of people that think there was a snow conspiracy. Same for flat Earth believers. Just fuck right off into the ocean and drown yourselves.
If the timestamp doesn’t work, skip to about 4:45.