In this one case, the renewable is not a factor, so much as they *failed* to winterize their equipment after the same damn thing happened in 2011. This is a self inflicted wound.
My Heart truly goes out to the general public in Texas suffering from the side effects of freak weather. Yet, this is not a one-off, something quite similar happened a decade ago; soon enough to recall, yet long ago enough to have bolstered the system in case of recurrence.
A community must have due diligence, it appears that the majority are/were happy to put up with lax building codes and low cost infrastructure with little to no accountability coupled with massive greed from it’s leaders and suppliers; as long as it seemed to not affect their personal status quo.
Also… I do not understand why it seems that electricity and water services are being treated as government services alone? They are free-market utilities; overseen and enabled by government; it’s a ‘Big’ greedy pie.
That system did not handle being stressed. The Entire U.S.A.s power grid is in the same boat (right now; man-made or natural, an EMP would fuck us over real good, yet we’ve had the tech to make such a calamity a non-starter for decades. Our water dispersal system is in dire straights, there is so much more we could do about toxic dumping; water and land.
I am only a frustrated crumbling leaf in a tornado; I have little idea of how to even begin to get the ball rolling on a fix. I’ve spent 60 years watching America, for a large part, become educationally dumbed down, morally ignorant or willfully repugnant and socially/tribally retarded.
I readily admit that I have, at times, felt so overwhelmed and powerless that I have jumped into the sewage level here at M[c]S and trolled around just to burn off steam; and honestly the straw-man troll-backs I’ve received were boring, unenlightened and unenlightening.
Fortunately, M[c]S currently includes widely dispersed people who communicate, more thoughtfully, insightfully and level-headedly than I have seen here in a decade. It is refreshing and enlightening… Thank you for the forum Tiki.
Now back to the regularly scheduled program;
Sometimes, you get what you work for… pejoratively.
Thbbbbt! to Chuck Norris.
In this one case, the renewable is not a factor, so much as they *failed* to winterize their equipment after the same damn thing happened in 2011. This is a self inflicted wound.
My Heart truly goes out to the general public in Texas suffering from the side effects of freak weather. Yet, this is not a one-off, something quite similar happened a decade ago; soon enough to recall, yet long ago enough to have bolstered the system in case of recurrence.
A community must have due diligence, it appears that the majority are/were happy to put up with lax building codes and low cost infrastructure with little to no accountability coupled with massive greed from it’s leaders and suppliers; as long as it seemed to not affect their personal status quo.
Also… I do not understand why it seems that electricity and water services are being treated as government services alone? They are free-market utilities; overseen and enabled by government; it’s a ‘Big’ greedy pie.
That system did not handle being stressed. The Entire U.S.A.s power grid is in the same boat (right now; man-made or natural, an EMP would fuck us over real good, yet we’ve had the tech to make such a calamity a non-starter for decades. Our water dispersal system is in dire straights, there is so much more we could do about toxic dumping; water and land.
I am only a frustrated crumbling leaf in a tornado; I have little idea of how to even begin to get the ball rolling on a fix. I’ve spent 60 years watching America, for a large part, become educationally dumbed down, morally ignorant or willfully repugnant and socially/tribally retarded.
I readily admit that I have, at times, felt so overwhelmed and powerless that I have jumped into the sewage level here at M[c]S and trolled around just to burn off steam; and honestly the straw-man troll-backs I’ve received were boring, unenlightened and unenlightening.
Fortunately, M[c]S currently includes widely dispersed people who communicate, more thoughtfully, insightfully and level-headedly than I have seen here in a decade. It is refreshing and enlightening… Thank you for the forum Tiki.
Now back to the regularly scheduled program;
Sometimes, you get what you work for… pejoratively.
Thbbbbt! to Chuck Norris.
Maybe, just maybe, we should try actually having infrastructure week. But instead of a week, it probably needs to be a decades long program.