The third film in an unlikely trilogy of films, the first of which was theatrically released, but the second went straight to VOD, I dont’ think they even pressed it to plastic. Surprisingly though, the second of the two was the stronger of the films and did more with the world they built than the first one did. It’s obvious someone with money agrees with that opinion, because here we are with a third film that’s just a strong as the second one with appearances by Alexander Siddig (star trek: DS9, Game of thrones), Rhona Mitra (The Last Ship, Underworld), and staring Lindsey Morgan, who I best know from The 100 and loved her dearly from my time watching that show. It’s a fun movie that never struggles with the idea it should take itself seriously and there’s no need to catch up on the previous films as there’s a convenient “the world till now” synopsis right at the beginning.
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